April 10, 2006

Send the illegals back...now.

For years we have been fed the line that the Mexican and Central American immigrants are coming here to work. The illegals need a break because they are doing the jobs Americans of all colors refuse to do. Somehow these hard-workers are finding time to protest by the tens of thousands. Some illegals are carrying signs that read "Do not criminalize me because I am illegal". WTF?

I have stated here many, many times this is the issue that will determine the elections for years to come. Let me throw out a few thoughts from an ordinary average guy in the heart of this great nation. First, I grew up in a town that had a significant Hispanics (read Mexican) population, even back in the 1960s and 1970s. There was a ketchup factory in town and the migrants came by the truckfull to pick tomatoes. Many stayed. My grade school, located in the poorest part of town had as many as 1/4 or more Hispanics in every class, especially in the fall. There were no ESL tutors, no special classes, no bi-lingual books or signs in the school. The Mexicans learned like the rest of us, or were held back. I have a perspective on the issue many outside of the Southwest or NY do not.

Here are the rules I would propose immediately. Feel free to let me know where I am wrong.

1. Any employer who knowingly hires an illegal worker will be fined $100,000. The second offense (the second worker, each worker is an offense)is worth $200,000, the third is $400,000, the fines double with each illegal.

2. Any employer who accepts a duplicate SSN will be fined $1,000,000, there is no appeal to this fine. The Federal Government will immediately do a database search and determine where duplicate SSNs are being used. I am no programmer, but this cannot be that hard.

3. Any city, town, police department, prosecutor, etc. who refuses to prosecute current immigration laws shall be fined the same as an employer in rule #1.

4. There will be an immediate tax, surcharge, tariff, etc. on funds being sent to Mexico of 5%. This will apply to money transfers, wires, Western Union (and such), money orders, etc. I know this is not fair, too bad.

5. If you are born here after illegal entry, you not automatically a citizen. This privilige is no longer a viable option for our nation. At least one parent must be a citizen of the US for automatic citizenship to apply.

6. There will be NO welfare benefits of any kind for illegal immigrants. There will be NO drivers liscence SS card etc. issued to anyone who does not have a green card, the person in question will be held for authorities.

7. Workers and immigrants who do not become a citizen before retirement will not be eligible for Social Security, no matter how much they paid. As we are often reminded, SS is a tax, not a savings account. No naturalized citizen will receive SS benefits if he establishes his main residence outside of the US upon retirement. In other words, no SS will be sent to Mexico.

8. Any immigrant committing a felony will be immediately deported upon conviction. Any three misdemeanors within 5 years indicates a failure to follow the law, that person will also be immediately deported upon conviction.

9. Any person found to have entered the country illegally shall be immediately deported. Planes / buses / etc. will be located in major cities to accommodate this weekly transfer. Anyone caught a third time will be sentenced to a minimum 5 years hard labor with no parole, and then deported. There will be hard labor involved al la chain gangs etc.

10. All local, state, and federal business shall be conducted in English only. No funds will be allocated print or publish materials in any other language.

With very few exceptions we are all descendents of immigrants. Our forebears faced language barriers, were forced to take the most menial of labor (many before any type of minimum wage)and faced severe discrimination. My own family changed their surname so it would sound more English. Adoption of these steps will stem the illegal immigration issue. I think few of you will quibble at this 10 point plan.

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