March 13, 2010

You say you want some evolution

Saturday morning has dawned mild and cloudy. The robins are chirping and crocus and tulips are starting to push through the snow-melt damp soil. Spring is on the way, finally.

One cup of coffee is down my gullet as I read the paper. My daughter's engagement announcement is in the paper today. Did you see it?

It occurs to me that we can find fanatics and small-minded people of all stripes. The lefty liberal progressives are all about making fun of fundamental Christians. For your typical just out of college Che T-shirt wearing ignoramus, those that profess a deep abiding love of God are just ignorant mouth breathers.

I do believe that those who still are firm believers in man-made global warming display ignorance akin to those who deny the existence of evolution. To be clear, since there are some of you who did not pay attention in biology, Darwin did not claim man came from apes. For you on the other side, there is no evidence that the planet has warmed in the past 15 years. In fact, it has been warmer and colder at different times in history. Weather patterns change. Man has nothing to do with it.

Just as some televangelists use God to become rich, those who are at the lead of the Global warming hoax are getting rich too.

I hate to do it, but much of this post was inspired by these jackasses.


Cappy said...

Congratulations on the engagement!

dick said...

I wouldn't have given the shithead a link, but that's just me.
I'll put him on a post-it-note with the rest.

Anonymous said...

Jackass's is being kind, I can't find the words to describe how I feel about that herd of wasted sperm. They are perfect examples of inbreeding gone wrong.

James Old Guy

Anonymous said...

I've recently gone on a "no [blog] trash" diet, HB.

So far it's working wonders.

I highly recommend it.


Ed Bonderenka said...

It's amazing how jackanapes like those guys see themselves as so much brighter than their conservative countrymen, and yet obviously are so uninformed.
For instance, on evolution, there is an undercurrent in academia of scientists abandoning Darwin and recognizing Intelligent Design.
I don't expect that these guys would know that.
Congrats on daughter's engagement, assuming you approve. Was it a surprise, reading it in the paper, or had she told you ahead of time of the expenses to follow?

TheWayfarer said...

Someone once said "Evolution cannot explain creation anymore than religion can explain God." I think what they were driving at is, there are a hell of a lot of AlGore types out there looking to make a name and a fortune for themselves by pretending to know something.
They tend to attract large bands of unthinking followers...Don't be one of them:
Those who get on in life study, learn the facts for themselves, and have the courage of their convictions to live what they believe.

Joe said...

Well put, Ted.

They got engaged last May. The yhave been dating more than four years, it was not a surprise and we are pleased.

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