April 8, 2011

This ain't Jeopardy, I know the questions. I need answers

Morality aside, what possible argument can anyone make as to why taxpayers should pay for abortions or birth control for the general populace?

Along the same vein, why should the taxpayers be funding TV or radio stations?

yes, I know the tax savings if we cut of funding to NPR or Planned Parenthood are fractions of pennies on the dollar, but wasting tax dollars is still a moral crime.

To paraphrase Clinton -- "It is the debt, stupid". Is it rally Harry Reid's position he would rather shut down the Government than not pay for abortions?

BTW, nothing in any bill up for consideration, or in any spending cuts would in any way restrict abortion.  Any woman who feels the need could still get abortion on demand.  They will have access to any birth control they desire. The only difference is taxpayers will not pay for it. The hyperbole of the GOP wants to kill women*, and Nazi references are pathetic (I am talking to YOU Rep. Slaughter).

*If you believe that garbage, you are too stupid to live.  Quit wasting my valuable oxygen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harry is putting on his own spin in a news spot avoiding the abortion word. What an asshole, another democratic that would not recognize the truth if hit him upside the head. Sadly he has plenty of Republican brothers who have the same problem.

James Old Guy

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