November 17, 2015

By any other name

In The wildly popular Harry Potter series there is a character  so evil, so scary, that the people refuse to speak his name. They simply refer to Lord Voldemort as " you know who". In the same way President Obama and the Democrat candidates are crap-their-pants terrified to actually say "radical Islam" out loud. I suppose to name it makes it a reality. Until they actually admit radical Islam exists they can pretend nonexistent monsters in the closet like global warming are the real threat to their fairy tale world.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Worse, our Fearless Leader says he's "too busy" to mess with this.

"President Obama showed a flash of anger Monday with Republican critics of his anti-terrorism strategy, saying he is “too busy” to engage in a rhetorical debate with them.

"'What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people' and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. 'I’m too busy for that.'

"The president was addressing a question about critics of his strategy for defeating the Islamic State, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris last week."

Anonymous said...

Obama wants everyone to bow down to him and declare him the smartest man in the world. ISIS wants everyone to bow down to them and declare the Muslim religion the smartest thing in the world. Hmmmmmmm

James Old Guy

Ed Bonderenka said...

He thinks it's like Beetlejuice.
Say the name too many times and they show up.

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