July 10, 2005

Waiting, still

The recent terror attacks in London appear to be done by radical Muslims. They have claimed responsibility. I will be first to admit that the pigs committing these atrocities do not represent the mainstream of the religion of Islam. But I am still waiting, as I have for years for the mainstream of this religion of peace, to stand up and sharply, critically, loudly and clearly denounce terrorism. Where are the imams, the every day believers? Why are they not on every streetcorne, TV and radio station proclaiming from the rooftops that bombs do not represent their religion? Why do we see instead tacit support for suicide/homicide bombings in Israel? Why do we see support for Hamas and other terrorist organizations?

Until I start seeing these actions, I am going to believe what I read in the Koran, what I have seen in history. This is a religion that believes you convert, or die. This is a war of culture people, appeasement will not work.

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