November 15, 2005

Culture Quiz

I am stuck in the 1970s, musically. I often wonder what am I missing out there. Enlighten me, readers. here is you chance to enlighten a poor Hoosierboy cracker on the culture I might be missing. Here is today's Hoosierboy culture quiz:

1. What music are you listening to right now?
bonus: how -- stereo, car, Ipod, etc.?
2. What is your current favorite movie (or what is the last movie you saw/bought, rented etc.)?
3. What are you reading right now?
4. Who is your favorite author?
5. Name an album (cd) you would recommend?
6. Name a book you would recommend?
7. Name three movies everyone should see.
8. What is your favorite sport?
9. Toilet paper -- roll off the top or off the bottom?
10. What make / model/ color of car do you drive?

You may have multiple answers for each question.

Come on, I want to know, answer in the comments, encourage your friends. Only YOU can expose me to culture. I will give my answers tommorrow.

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