June 28, 2009

Random Ramblings

To the best of my knowledge I have never owned, purchased, or copied a Jackson Five or Michael Jackson record, tape, cassette, or cd. That will not change with Jackson assuming room temperature this week. In the wake of the unending coverage on every radio and TV station there is a lone bright spot -- so far we have not been subjected to repeated showings of The Wiz.

I baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday instead of mowing the lawn.

The boy leaves for tennis camp today. He will be back on Friday.

My anniversary is Tuesday. On our first, I started a really dumb tradition. I bought her a single red rose. The next year two. I placed my order for 25 red roses on Friday. Holy crap, flowers are expensive. I guess I never planned on this marriage thing lasting so long, or else I was very short sighted. I know she would be disappointed if I were to stop now. Surely two dozen plus one roses is enough to get a fellow laid?

I have felt like shit the past few days. Nothing specific, I just do not feel right. I think the Democrats are killing me. The Obamanation hates middle aged white guys. We are the conservatives. They are purposely passing measures that are alien to our American beliefs. As my blood pressure surges the chances of stroke and heart attack increase. I tell you it is brilliant. It is a plot. If they can cause us old white guys to stroke out or have a heart attack we will not be able to vote out the Dems and Obamaites in the next election. You have to admire the subtle irony -- they promise health care while killing us softly.

Where in the Hell is the National GOP? If they do not publicly chastise (do that mean what I think it mean?)those assholes who voted to destroy the economy and pass the largest tax increase ever on the American people, the GOP is like Fredo -- dead to me. You know the identity of the eight men out. Remember that come voting time. The National (and local) Party should tell them they will never get another dime. Those traitors can't even visit their mother if the rest of us are going to be there. You broke my heart you fucking New Jersey bastards. Short of a harsh, committment to punish these RINOs, I will never send another penny to the National GOP. I will give to the candidates I admire, but never to the Party. The GOP must develop some spine.

Wake up -- people are not going to vote for Democrat light when they can elect the real thing. Why would we spend our time dry humping the homecoming queen when we can do the naked belly bump with her best friend? It is time the conservatives took back the Party. If businesses and individuals cut off the money, the GOP will change. Money talks. We want someone to articulate a clear opposition to the garbage being pushed down our throat. Finally, Boehner spoke up yesterday. Mike Pence -- it is time to quit being polite and diplomatic, call a spade a spade and bad legislation a piece of shit. Yes, it is a counterplan when you refuse to let the environmental-socialist destroy everything that made our country great.

Happy Sunday.

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