December 20, 2009

Go. Read.

Go over to Doug Ross' place and scroll through his posts the past 24 hours. There is a terrific rant by Victor the Contractor. Learn how the trial lawyers and excessive lawsuits are what is driving the cost of health care. Roughly 75% of your health insurance premium goes to fighting malpractice suits. Does Congress want to reform healthcare -- the answer is easy, except the Trial Lawyers are among the largest donors to the Democratic party. Educate yourself and act accordingly.


  1. Kill a lawyer for Christ, well sounds good to me.

  2. That's why we had Tort reform in Texas. Now Docs aren't afraid to practice medicine.

  3. There's nothing wrong with a lawyer a good horse-whipping wouldn't set right.
    Only problem is ya gotta legalize it first, and the damn legislature's full of 'em!
