January 22, 2010

Finally Friday

Happy Friday. Dja miss me? I had no time to post the last couple of days. I had to actually work. Sometimes I feel compelled to actually earn the dinero my employer so graciously deposits into my checking account every couple of weeks.

I went with the boy to see Avatar the other night. We saw it in 3D and IMAX. The special effects are way cool. The plot? Let us just say I knew how the plot would go just minutes into the movie. The dialogue was stilted and predictable. But the special effects were awesome, did I mention that? How did I like the movie? Let me say I will not buy it when it comes to DVD or BluRay. I doubt I will rent it, even if the director adds hours of special features. The boy really liked it.

Here is an old gem for your listening pleasure:

Here is one of my favorite comedians:

1 comment:

  1. Oh well, I watch movies for entertainment not information. Political messages are pretty much gone with the popcorn farts.

    James Old Guy
