August 28, 2010

Welcome to my life



  1. Dude, you really REALLY don't want to get me started ranting about this sort of cocksuckery!
    I figured out the game behind the hype early on and decided to work in a factory instead. unless you're selling health and auto insurance, it's going to be a roller-coaster of sifting through I-don't-knows, no-thanx and "FUCK OFF"s for that magic "yes" and that all-too-rare, sacred albino "holy shit, man...where have you been all our lives? We're signing a thousand year contract!"
    Yes, I have sales experience - most to all of it bad!

    There's a reason they call it "sales and marketing"...S&M for short.
    Mostly masochism!

  2. This is why I am an engineer. I don't have to sell anything and I haven't done first tier customer support for five years. My life is not lived on a commission basis and I rarely have to deal directly with customers. Woo hoo!

  3. Sounds just like the fucking car business.
    Scumbag cockgargling motherfuckers.


  4. I failed at selling Avon.

  5. Why doesn't that Khazakh motherfucker behind the desk just tell it like it is:
    OY VEH, you schtupit yentile dagh! YOU NEED to give us more munyah!!!"
    That's all them sonsofbitches ever think about.
