October 12, 2010

Explicit pygmy sex photos

This is where normally I would offer mundane descriptions of my boring life. Perhaps I would offer some humor or political insight. Not today.

I could tell you how I have folded a load of white clothes from the dryer. Or how I have done a whole load of towels and folded them and put them away (are you getting hot ladies?).

I could tell you about work or my lunch.

I will not mention that "pygmy sex" is still the #1 search term folks use to get to my blog.

I could write a whole post telling you what I will not write about today...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I forgot about getting more hits by search terms!
    Don't feel bad about blogging ruts, obviously I've been through a few, but I always seem to snap out of it...somewhat. Maybe you and I should do another blog war to spice things up? LOL Only this time maybe we can be on the same team, since you refuse to admit that I won. :) heh
    On the other hand, I don't even know if I would have time for that. It's kind of sad, and it makes me feel like an old timer reminiscing, but blogging in general isn't what it used to be. I don't think my current blog will ever have the traffic that The Dragon's Den had, but then again, my writing has turned to shit lately (school?).
