July 21, 2011

Negotiating with a cartoon character

The budget proposal offered up by the so-called "Gang of Six" in the Senate reminds me of the bad deal offered up by Wimpy of the Popeye cartoon fame. "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today". Senate RINOs and Democrats are promising budget cuts in the future for a debt limit increase today.

Conservatives have been suckered on this too many times in the past. Deems pulled this one on Reagan. Bush I really took it in the shorts over Dem promises to traduce spending for a tax increase.

It is time to put the cards on the table -- show me the cuts. These Senate Dems are mere partisan hacks They will lie to get their way. This debate is about politics and the Presidential elections to them. If a Democrat claimed he wants to cut spending I would sooner believe the check is in the mail, he won't cum in my mouth and I am getting $6,000,000 from that frozen bank account in Nigeria.

I say make the bastards vote. Put every Senator and then The Obama on the record for more spending. Put their position down to history. Should the US Government live within a budget just like you and I? If you are against balancing the budget and cutting spending own up to it! Then explain your position to the voters.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's a lot of smoke being blown up all our asses. I hope Bawler and his boys in Da House call BULLSHIT when it's shoved at them, and vote that Wimpy burger down!
