July 27, 2011

With Joe at the beach

I am sure you guys are more than sick of politics and the debt ceiling. Here is a picture of happier times -- mainly my happier times. But then I am sure you agree that as long as I am in a good mood, we should all be in a good mood. I was not happy yesterday. I had to put new brakes on the wife's SUV. That may explain your sudden mini-depression bout yesterday afternoon.

Today I offer you a glimpse of the author last week while in deep Southern climes, enjoying the sand, surf and sun:

See how relaxed and happy I am? Look, stare, live vicariously!


  1. What a cute face...with almost a smile!

  2. that is my permanent smirk

  3. Quit using my picture without permission! 8<)

    Oh, wait, that isn't me. I have a 12 pack where the six pack should go.

  4. Sorry to say, "the Hoff" is too stupid to be hot in my opinion.

    But this -- this is hot.

  5. Well THAT was an amazing transformation from yesterday.

  6. Ah yes, Rita -- but for the better or the worse...?

  7. Never been impressed with Hasselhoff, so I'll go out on a limb and say for the worse. Now if you looked like George Clooney without the liberal bent, I'd have a different answer.
