October 1, 2011

A post where I ramble a bit and then come to a weak finish. You will want to read it though, because there could be some really good stuff in the middle. Or maybe not. You will not know if you do not click and read.

I woke up early this morning. The bladder is the most efficient alarm clock in the world. It may not keep good time, but it lacks a snooze button.

I had an argument with the coffee filters and lost. Hey, I don't need your scorn. Maybe I wanted two filters.
I went out to fetch the paper and Orion stared down at me through the chilly fall air. That, my friends, is as sure a sign as you will find that the cold winter months are not far in the future. The Big Dipper pointed at the North Star just above my roof as I trudged up the driveway.

My youngest child has to go take the SATs this morning. Secretly I agree, what a way to ruin a Saturday.

It is a special day around here. It is my Son's birthday. No, I do not repeat myself. I said I do not repeat myself. Yesterday was my youngest kid's birthday, today marks my middle child's anniversary of sliding headfirst through the birth canal. Yep, we have back-to-back birthdays around here (in fact, if you scroll down a bit,  you will find all three of my progeny have birthdays within two weeks of each other). Not that you care, but you should. I have said it many times in the past, if you are not actively and directly working to make my life better, you should be helping someone who is.

Birthdays -- do you think it strange we have a custom of celebrating a trip through nature's most traumatic water slide? I find it curious we mark with pride the slow march toward the end of life, and celebrate the completion of each step on the rocky path. Maybe I am looking at it all wrong. Subconsciously we must view the passing of each of the mile markers along life's highway with joy, since we avoided Death's Merry Band of Highwaymen yet one more time. In that light, I suppose a celebration is in order.

Anyway, today marks my oldest boy and middle child's 23rd trip around the sun. We will not see him today, he lives about 1-1/2 hours north of me, but the entire family is going to meet up in the Big City tomorrow to have a celebratory dinner.

At this point I have no plans for this Saturday. I have a bunch of movies on the DVR. I am in the middle of a kick-ass book -- The Lincoln Lawyer. Perhaps I will change the furnace filters. I have the wife convinced that  is a big and difficult task that consumes a lot of time. I suspect she lets me believe I have her fooled. I might just find time to take a nap. In retrospect, I do have a busy enough day in store.

I hope you enjoy your Saturday.


  1. I've been trained out of enjoying my birthdays by my dad's annual Report On What Will Fall Apart Next Year phone call.... "well, 53 huh? That's the age I was when my hearing went to hell." ended in the traditional, "Happy birthday. Another year closer to death!"
    He started this when I was 18. I stock up a lot of duct tape for the inevitable system collapse.

  2. Geez, LeeAnn, has that scarred you?

    Good writin' again, Joe. Thanks.

  3. I had a friend that was a pilot in SAC, (the Strategic Air Command). His entire unit (sans the mechanics) took leave once a year during the month of May. All five of his children were born in February.

    Do you have a similar excuse? ;>)
    (Tell your offspring to knock 'em dead on that test!)
