June 26, 2013

Thinking inside the box

There is a slide show on my Comcast Homepage this morning listing the ten dirtiest cities in America.

Guess what each of these cities has in common? They are run by Democrats. In some cases, like Philadelphia, for decades. Is this a coincidence or a pattern?

I read yesterday that eight of the top ten states for job growth are run by Republican governors; coincidence or pattern?


  1. I was in Philly last summer and remember thinking what a filthy town it was.

  2. het teacher...6/26/2013 09:29:00 AM

    You'd think Indiana's unemployment rate would be lower than national average with all those jobs flooding in since we became a right to work state.

  3. You can tell when someone hasn't worked outside the public sector because they never understand economics.

  4. I have a question concerning race.
    Where is he?

  5. Race is out celebrating the strike-down of DOMA.
