July 28, 2014

Head scratcher

Why a single Jew votes, funds, or supports the Democratic Party will forever remain a mystery to me. No political party in the USA has done more harm to Israel and Jews than the Democrats. Not even the American Nazi party.


  1. Beats the hell out of me. My wife's entire family votes batshit. Can't figure it out.

  2. The Repubs were the bastion of Christianity and the Jews who had suffered under pogroms were talked into voting against them.

  3. Jews are some of the most logical people on Earth. Except when it comes to politics. Otherwise they'd have figured this shit out decades ago.

  4. Ed -- I understand the Jewish immigrants of the early 20th century were assimilated into the Tammany Hall machine. But by the 1930's it was clear the Democrats were no friends of the Jews. It was the Roosevelt administration that turned away the SS St Louis.
