July 26, 2014

Simple things

A cardinal is singing with frantic effort in the willow. The wind rises and falls from the southwest as it is wont to do in mid-summer. The sun is cutting pale yellow slices through the dark clouds as thunder rumbles in the distance.  The coffee in my cup is dark and lukewarm and nearly gone. An Ian Fleming Bond novel and the TV remote perch side by side on the table beside my recliner vying for my attention. I can hear the neighbor's air conditioner running while in my den the ceiling fan wraps spiral shadows on the textured ceiling.  In the corner the treadmill smirks a reminder of exercise undone while my right ankle throbs a mute response. Life continues apace and I am truly blessed.


  1. Lots of Cardinals around this year. I have no idea why. Off to the deck to drink coffee an watch for a Hummingbird to show up.

    James Old Guy

  2. My worklist mocks me.
    I have tasks aplenty due for completion by tomorrow when our guests arrive.
    And I overslept.
    And I like it.

  3. You sound like a Democrat.
