October 16, 2015

If I throw water on her will she melt away or propagate like a gremlin?

Mom always told me that if I have nothing to say I should keep my mouth shut. She did not really tell me that. I think it was some garbage about if I can't say something nice I should keep my mouth shut, but all I heard was blah, blah, blah.

I say mean things occasionally. I write mean things frequently. I think them constantly. For instance every time I see Hillary Clinton I think of Miss Almira Gulch.

I bet some of you do too, even if you are a Democrat. Don't worry, you do not have to admit it to anyone but yourself.


  1. Best test, would you let Hillary babysit your grandchild?
    Me, hell no


  2. I don't think even the Wicked Witch of the West would want to have anything to do with her.

  3. Wanna hear something REALLY sad?

    Whenever I watch or listen to the Hillamonster, I'm reminded of my own mother.

    And, trust me, that is NOT a good thing.

    Trying Harder and Harder Not to Start Drinking Every Damned Day

  4. Funny thing, I was just thinking the Scarecrow reminds me of The Donald, only with better hair.
