February 4, 2017

The post is finished, now once again I need a catchy title

Happy Saturday campers. It is the big weekend for the big football game. We have no plans. I suspect the wife has a thorough house cleaning in mind. I should point out that she never asks me to participate. I just am unable sit in a chair and watch her work. I wasn't built that way. Besides, wielding a dust rag or a sweeper isn't all that difficult. Heck, I worked as a part-time janitor way back when I was a smart-assed teenager. As the kids probably never said on facechat "I haz the skillz".

Yes I am really typing this entry at 5 in the morning. Once again insomnia stopped by for a visit. I am in a vicious cycle, I get up early so I nap in the early evening so I get up early. It also took me six tries to spell "vicious". I am still not sure I got it right. The spell check may or may not catch it.

It is hard to believe I was once a better than decent writer according to my professors at Sugar Creek College. I don't know what happened. One would think that daily practice would improve my syntax, grammar, and structure. I could never spell worth a darn. Instead, this blog is a living example of average writing skill at best. I don't know. More importantly, I don't really care. This site jumped the shark, as the saying goes, a very long time ago. Besides, blogging is long dead as a social media game changer. I am sure I have said it before, hobbies lose their meaning when they become mere habits. Sob, I cain't quit you.

OK, now I am just rambling. Have a great Saturday. I need some coffee.


  1. I could never spell worth a dran, either.

  2. Sadly blogging has been replaced with FB, Twitter and probably some other crap that I don't like.

  3. Testing, testing, love trumps hate and all that jazz.

  4. You are a born diarist, that's why you can't quit blogging.

  5. Yeah. What F.C. said.
    Joe, it's a blog not a memoir. Writing in prose is the accepted mode. At least by me. You're probably the oldest, um...longest running blogger I'm still reading. You've been in my Feed Reader nearly as long as you've been blogging. You say many of things I wish I'd said. If I could ever have the discipline to do it as consistently as I started out. I just gave up after realizing so many did it better and more regularly than I could ever muster. It's more fun reading than venting. Usually.
