To bridge the gap I bought n antenna for the main TV. I get about 20 local stations including a bunch of broadcast stations playing old TV fare from my youth and even before. You know, stuff from when the world was black and white with shades of gray. Lots of cowboys, lots of magical hot chicks.
I am getting a kick out of watching old Johnny Carson episodes. It is strange to watch Carson and his guests smoking away during the interviews. I find it amazing that the same basic jokes we hear these days were used describing Reagan. Funny how every Republican President is inept, bumbling, and a puppet of an evil cabinet. Last night's rerun from 1974 was fascinating from a historical perspective; they were talking about Nixon, Watergate, and streaking.
This was all the rage at the time. I had this 45 rpm record. A local ice cream shop offered a free banana split to any streaker who came to the window. I don't know if they paid off. I remember streaking down the block on a late night dare from my neighbor on one of numerous back yard summer campouts. Streaking was just another fad that faded away. I suspect winter had more than a little to do with it.
Where are you Dustbury?
I wish I could remember life without cable and internet. If only I had the nerve to go back.
Right here as always.
ReplyDeleteAlthough proper streaking implies a running pace, and it's been a while since I was able to run.
When I go to your blog on my iPad nothing comes up!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to my baby brother!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Joe!
ReplyDeleteThat time of year again?
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday my friend.
My deepest thanks to all of you