May 19, 2020

That is how it is done

The boss told me to have a good day, so I went home.

On a completely unrelated note, my man Fuzzy wrote a book. I bought it. You should too. 

I’ll offer a review in a week or so.


  1. HB, every time I cross that ole state line into Indiana to visit my family, it's like a Midwest Jewish Conservative Techie Brigadoon rises from the corn fields. Cute grandson. Vodka. Cigars. Shooting.

    Is this a real thing?

  2. Yes.

    They messed up the line in that baseball movie. When the guy asks "Is this heaven?", the answer really was "No, its Indiana".


  3. 1) Thank you, Joe, for your support.

    2) Agree 100% on the correct answer to the question.
