I could have used my credit to purchase just about any new book out there. I certainly should have grabbed something I haven’t read multiple times already. But I didn’t and I am more than happy to ride the catapult with my old novel friends again.
I finished off listening to the book while sitting on the patio doing nothing but watching the birds and bunnies and squirrels cavort in my backyard yesterday evening. When it was done I grabbed my kindle and re-downloaded The Intruders, even though I just reread it last fall.
Maybe I’ll finish it, maybe not. It doesn’t matter. I am still in the middle of Barbara Tuchman’s The Proud Tower, her masterpiece detailing the pre-WWI years and the turn of the century. I also just scored a $2 deal of the day on a new Doc Ford novel. Life is good. There is always something to read.
Sounds good.