For the love of all that is good and right, just stop walking around talking on speaker phone. No one wants or needs to hear your conversation.
Most ridiculous are the jerks who have the phone on speaker then hold the little speakers up to their ear to hear better. WTH?
The rude obnoxious cousin is the buttwipe who insists on watching videos on speaker in public.
Just stop.
It’s 7am and you interrupt my decision making process by beginning you phone conversation on your earbud as you enter the convenience store and saying, Hey bud, how you doin’?”. I’m in the next aisle deciding between an oatmeal cream pie or a zebra cake and I turn to see who is greeting me only to discover it’s someone in a polo shirt that I don’t know yapping away. I guess I’ll just get them both so I can get out of earshot. Thanks polo shirt guy for helping me double down on my diabetes!