December 6, 2023

I’d like to buy the world a Coke, but I can’t afford it

There has been a lot of commentary in recent years over the escalating tip culture. We all get the spinning iPad, give me a tip treatment at places far outside of the usual service industry. Why would I tip the guy at the miniature golf place or an on-line order? 

Lately, I have seen a pernicious trend that also affects the bottom line. Many sit down restaurants are now charging in excess of $3 for a soft drink. We went to a place last weekend that charged $4.25 for a glass of ice and a splash of Coke Zero. 

I get restaurants and bars are looking for ways to stay competitive as they are squeezed by Bidenomics, but sheesh. I can buy a couple of two liters for that price. 


  1. we don't go out anymore nor do we buy anything out anymore. we drink water. with free ice.

  2. I agree with what the last guy said. I still go out, but way over priced drinks, are off the table. I got hit for over $4 for some not very sweet tea last month.

  3. Getting crappier every day. Luckily, two really good diners in walking distance.
