April 28, 2024

Party Time

We are off to the Golden Ghetto* this afternoon for our youngest granddaughter’s fifth birthday party. It will be a Taylor Swift themed affair. She and her sister are into all things Taylor these days, like a lot of people. She also digs Bluey. I said she was five. 

After the party she has a soccer game. It is going to be a busy day. 

Her actual Birthday is next week. The party with her friends is today, so don’t get confused if I inadvertently mention another birthday later. 

The good news it is supposed to be a warm day with temps pushing into the eighties. I can live with that. 

Have a great Sunday. 

*The Golden Ghetto is how a good friend of mine, who grew up there, refers to one of the more affluent northern suburbs, the one with countless roundabouts, if you want to figure it out. Me? No, I don’t live there. I live over in one of the modest communities in the suburb of Mudsock , to the east. 

What was here is gone 


  1. She's adorable! Great smile.

  2. Now that Mayor Brainless is gone, I fully expect many of those roundabouts to be torn out.

  3. Fuzzy - I'm still stuck in one of them from my visit last February.
