September 15, 2010

Dear GOP

Are you listening? Did you take a long hard look at the Delaware Primary results? We are sick of holding our nose and voting for the likes of Bob Dole and John McCain. We are no longer interested in voting for "electable" candidates.

We are a conservative nation.  When GOP candidates run under conservative principles they win (why do you think so many Democrats run under conservative themes?). When we try to be Democrats lite, we lose. We the people are no longer interested in voting for a candidate because they have an "R" behind their name on the ballot.

Fuck the RINOs. You, the leadership of the Republican Party better wake up.  Since you took big losses in 2006 you have failed to hear us, the voters. We threw you out, not in support of the other guys, but to send a message.  You did not heed our warning.  We sent a larger and far more painful message two years ago. Are you listening yet? Contrary to what many believe, The Obama was elected more as a referendum on GW and McCain.

Why do you think McCain's polling increased so much when he added Pallin to the ticket?  The same reason he chose her -- her conservative bonafides.

Pay attention you power brokers in the Party. Listen to the people, or you will find yourselves in the dustbin, along with the Whigs. A new party will take up the mantle of conservatism. It is not too late. Together we can win.


TheWayfarer said...

GOPher gloss primer: "Electable" = spineless jellyfish/compromiser.
Don't be surprised if the national party backs a ton of these, because the "leadership" is just as in bed with the globalists and internationalists as the DNC "leadership".
Their idea of "progress" is progressively left...NO fuckin' thanks!

Greybeard said...

I said the same thing in different words at my blog, HB.
If the RNC ignores this message, there'll be strong third-party candidates in 2012, AND I'll be votin' for 'em!

KeesKennis said...

If you ignore Rove, you will do well

mts1 said...

Yes we can! I'm all for Hope and Change. The 2008 crew gave us neither, either side. Now the New Conservatives, and Libertarians (who can be both of liberal and conservative stripe) stuck blood, they might be in it a lot more passionately with the hope that "we just might have a chance to actually win this ball game." I hope to see both parties get rid of s.s.d.d. politics and retire the lifers. Better country all around.

Josh said...

Oh please. McCain's numbers didn't go up because Palin was a staunch conservative. Overwhelmingly people had no idea who she was when she was picked. McCain's daughter didn't even know who she was.

His numbers went up because he shook up the race, made a bold pick, and reminded people that he was alive. Let's be real.

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