July 8, 2011

Dear Democrats

If you are firm in your conviction we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem, why are you not proposing a tax increase upon the more than 40% of Americans who pay NO Federal income taxes? Shouldn't we all share the burden? Should we at least stop giving tax "refunds" on taxes that were not paid?

Is it about "spreading the wealth" or increasing tax revenues? Are you more interested in perpetuating class warfare or fixing the problem? Those who are howling for more taxes, how do you account for tax revenues running at around 18% of GDP, the historical average? Do we really have a revenue problem?

Some of you Democrats are always invoking the great Clinton Era, how about we just go back to Clinton-Era spending?  I could live with that.


Ed Bonderenka said...

You keep writing like this and I don't have to.

Jim - PRS said...

You're a wise man.

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