July 26, 2011

The left's new mantra...

...the debt crisis is just manufactured agitprop by the Right to make the Democrats look bad or something. The Obama is falling into the trap. The Lefties believe we do not have a debt problem, all would be right if we just had more Government spending. If we could just raise taxes on those billionaires making $200,000 a year. But mostly we just need to spend more. Because in magic Progressive land money grows on trees and unicorn turds are collateral for debt. In Progressive Land you never have to pay for anything, you just have to buy more.

When my son was about eight he wanted a new toy. I told him I did not have any money.  He told me to just "write a check". At eight he would have made a good Democrat. The difference was he understood when I explained you have to have money in the bank to write a check. Democrats do not get that concept.

Why do we need to cut spending? I cannot show you this graph from Doug Ross often enough:

Since Lefties/Progressives/Democrats do not seem to understand, any bar UNDER the line means the Government is writing checks without money in the bank. You cannot do it at WalMart Whole Foods, and your friendly Government can't continue to do it either.

Sadly, as our Community-Organiser-in-Chief is learning, spending other people's money is easy.  Paying it back is difficult.


TheWayfarer said...

I guarantee you that, with Soros and the rest of the leftist (KHAZ)Aristocracy in his corner, DumB-0 doesn't have any qualms about borrowing, and doesn't have to worry about repayment as long as he bends over for them: One way or another, they'll play the "extend & pretend" game out til after the elections and drop the hangover in the lap of the new president or the GOPhers in Congress, and the Jews'Media/Fourth Estate fifth columnists will push the Donk talking points home.

Fred said...

Amazing how silent your... "dyed in the wool" friend is these days.

Bet she votes for this... guy again though.

LOVIN' the flag you're flying up there on the right, btw.

Cappy said...

Fred - we're tired of her whining in Cleveland. She and those like her have wrecked the place. We are sending her to Ft. Wayne to give Ted something real he can cry about.

Freddie said...

(Smiling at Cappy's comment.)

Hey Joe: Have I ever told you that sometimes I think my brain is a little dyslexic?

Also, I'm having trouble commenting here today. Gonna actually sign in this time to see if it helps. If this comment shows up three times though, will you consider fixing it? Thanks.

Joe said...

Haha, I did not catch it. Maybe it is that you hate the left so much you can only asociate the flag with "Right"?

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Even that graph doesn't tell the whole story. The last "Bush Year" deficit was really the fault of the Reid/Pelosi Congress and the imminent election of Barack Obama. You can certainly blame Bush for caving, but more blame inheres to the Dems for insisting on it.

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