May 26, 2015

tuesday at last.

Man I am glad this weekend is over. I worked my butt off.  Remember when I said my wife had some projects? She has a pinched nerve in her back, so bending or moving is hard for her. That left Old Joe to plant the 2 flats of vinkas, the 2flats of begonias, and the 4 wave petunias, and a dozen other flowers of various sorts. I also dug out the pernicious ground cover that surrounded the stump of the tree we cut down last week.  Of course the ground where she wanted the plant holes dug was littered with roots or rocks. Then I spread about 4,683 tons of mulch. It seemed like it anyway. I need to go back to work so I can get some rest. I hurt in places I have not felt in decades.

Yesterday morning a rabbit was out among some of the newly planted flowers out back. I opened the patio door hoping to scare him away, but he did that old bunny trick of freezing in place. I was barefoot, so I grabbed a half dozen ice cubes and sent a couple of two seamed fastballs in his direction. One hit the fence next to his fuzzy tail. He did not move. Another bounced on the mulch an inch from his nose. He did not even twitch. The next hit him square on the back. Still he hunched like a statue. What the heck Bugs? I finally donned some flip flops from the laundry room and he ran when I got within ten yards of his spot. If that little SOB eats those begonias he is a dead rabbit. Sitting still like that will only make my marksmanship easier.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Man! You tired me out just reading that.

Anonymous said...

Nice, still working on catching that damn racoon, but he might have become gator bait. Two more crossing the road on the way to work this morning. Its find a female and a new pond time of year for gators. These two were only about four feet long, but they did like to hiss.

James Old Guy

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