August 3, 2015

Dear Politicians

If that rule, regulation, or law you propose really was "just common sense" then we really would not need legislation to force us to comply.


hey teacher... said...

How about this for a textbook example of lack of common sense:

"Leaders of the Indiana Senate and House education committees are asking for a summer study committee to investigate the cause of reported teacher shortages and to devise a plan for how the next General Assembly can address the issue."

They should probably hire a New York company to conduct a study and get some nice charts and graphs generated, OR, they could call me, your daughter, or any young teacher, (this of course does not include me), who has been hornswaggled by the reformanistas.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

The last thing we need is the General Assembly to come up with a plan for anything.

Dan O. said...

What is this "common" sense you speak of, Joe? After B. Hussein won 2 elections, I've concluded it no longer exists. IF, it ever did.

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