September 19, 2019

A conversation with liberal me

Yeah, I am still alive. I have weather. The media is still no more reliable than Pravda. The Democrat Party leadership still tells us "We like America, let's change everything about it".  Anyway I hope you are having a good morning.

Don't wish me good morning. My morning hasn't been good and your salutation makes me uncomfortable and just reinforces your morning privilege. Besides, not everyone is celebrating morning at the same time. It is evening in China and you are insensitive to those in other time zones.

Boy, being a SJW snowflake is exhausting.

Don't call me a snowflake. Do you know there are people in Equatorial Africa who have never seen snow? Besides snow is associated with people in Northern latitudes and hey mostly have white skin...


Geez is a substitute for "Jesus". Don't force your religion on me.

Don't get all hot and bothered

How can I not get hot with the anthropomorphic climate change endangering every life on the planet, specifically targeting people of color.

Just forget it, this isn't working

We agree, the only work done since America's founding in 1619 was accomplished by slaves. You did not build that, African ancestors did under systematic bondage reinforced by whips, chains, and patriarchal rape.

I just want to shoot myself

Exactly! That is why we need to ban these scary , military assault machine guns and rocket launchers anyone can buy off the street, even if they have a history of mass murder and armed robbery.


Fox News! NRA! Trump! Bush! Racist!

I give up


Cappy said...

That's racist.

Jean said...

I sense a mood here.

slugmama said...

Soooo funny and spot on!

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