November 1, 2019

Pop Tarts and Beer

Halloween passed with nary a ghost goblin or Buzz Lightyear ringing my bell. Perhaps the weather was a factor. It was cold, snowy, and windy here at the homestead. It was a most unpleasant evening. Perhaps it was just the way things are. We have had about 10 TOTAL trick or treaters in the six years we have lived here. Insert shrug.

Here is a question for you Impeachers. Should we ignore corruption if it involves a candidate for office? Is it your position that the US should not use leverage to investigate possible corruption? Do the Bidens get a break just because Old Joe is running yet again?

The NBA has started and I do not care. Ditto hockey. Football season is entering the second half. Come on April. I'm ready for some baseball.

Have a great Friday.


Practical Parsimony said...

We should never ignore corruption. When money is designated, a person does not have the right to hold back the money to force a country to do our bidding. I don't think we should invite other countries to investigate our issues. No, Joe does not get a break!

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

We had about 20 TorTers. Parents bring them around in cars from the apartment complexes, I think.

I will say this about the other. Assuming some Democrat manages to beat Donald Trump in 2020, their impeachment proceedings will be lit.

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