July 10, 2021

I’ve got to get out of this place

The wife had a serious case of cabin fever all week so we motored down to the outlet mall yesterday. She shopped while I mostly sat in the car and listened to the baseball game. We were both content. She would have been happier with a fat bank account and unlimited credit cards. She made due with the limited funds available. She got me a good deal on a leftover winter pullover fleece at the Columbia store. Always thinking of me, my wife. It was a good day. She got out of the house. The Cubs got a win. All is good. 

According to the weather watchers we are slated for intermittent rain for the next week. I limped out to the little garden this morning in the post dawn pre-rain period to see if my new fence was stonewalling the rodents. I have multiple jalapeños growing, tomatoes are slowly turning a lighter shade of green. The cucumber is going wild and covered in blooms. It will soon swallow up everything. The granddaughter wanted a cucumber over my objections and we all know she gets what she wants. 

No lengthy music discussion here today. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. 

The wife told me last night we are babysitting the girls this evening while my daughter and SIL go to dinner to celebrate their anniversary. I’m good with that. Seems like a great way to spend a Saturday.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Grandkids! Free entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Cubs won? Yay! Remember when you could watch everey game on local TV for free? Those were the days. How I miss WGN.

We took the grandkuds to Cedar Point for the weekend. The oldest just turned 13! Funny though, you have to go outside rhe park to smoke a cigarette now but it's apparently JUST FINE to smoke weed wherever you please in the park. I wonder if stealing is acceptable as well.

How I despise Democrats.


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