July 16, 2022

knock it off

Can we just stop with the total complete bullshit about senior citizens living on a fixed income? Unless you work for commission, we all have a fixed income. You are paid an hourly rate or a salary. It doesn’t fluctuate, and certainly not upward.

Only those on social security get a guaranteed raise when costs go up. I won’t, you won’t. We just suck it up through Bidenflation.

Senior citizens don’t suffer more with prices rising than the rest of us. As boomers die off, we will start to see a lot less pandering to them.

I say this knowing I’m approaching that age and by classification just barely a boomer myself. 


Jean said...

There is no guaranteed COL with Soc Sec. More than once there has been only a 1% or 2% increase since I've been collecting. One year nothing.
About the only guarantee is the annual increase they take out for Medicare which is now $174/month.

Barb said...

Yea, the COL has been less than the increase in part B by a bunch except this particular year. Other than that I've lost money almost every year since I was forcibly retired after carung for my husband. We do also not get bonuses, have the ability to work overtime, have upward mobility in our jobs or do any of the other flexible things the majority of employees can do (in theory I can work legally but medical issues and the fact no one will hire me rules that out). I'm on SS and a small pension which pretty much stay the same or shrink annually. While I am not there the percentage of seniors living in poverty is almostc3 times that of people 64 and under.

Practical Parsimony said...

Barbara and Jean,
Thank you.
Joe, just because it does not affect you, does not mean it is bullshit. I suppose when we die off you are on your own.

Joe said...

I didn’t mean to get fiend anyone. My point is the current economy hurts everyone. The vast majority of us live on a fixed income. We don’t get COLA every year. We get a raise if our employer deems we deserve it.

I’m just sick of seniors - remember I am just about retirement age— claiming things are tougher for them because of their “fixed income”. It’s not.

It may be harder because their SS is not enough, but their income is not more fixed than most working people.

Anonymous said...

Touché. Well said

Cappy said...

Whether you're retired, working, on commission or salaried, Joe Biden will fix your income. And your little red wagon too!

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