November 6, 2023

A pretty good Sunday

My daughter invited us over for dinner last night. It was meatloaf, not my favorite way of using hamburger, and it was in the middle of the Colts game. On the other hand we had no plans yet for supper and it was a free meal, so why not? 

We arrived at the appointed time and my daughter said the grandgirls had something they wanted to show us in the basement. So we went downstairs and there sat my oldest son, he had flown in from Colorado as a big surprise. We had no idea he was coming. We haven’t seen him for more than two years. It was a great and glorious surprise. 

He can’t stay the whole week, but any time is good. 

Life doesn’t always throw you curveballs, occasionally it gives you a big fat home run.


Linda said...

That was a great surprise in the basement!

glasslass said...

How wonderful for you. Enjoy your time together.

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