December 4, 2023

Mom and Dad had this record on repeat

It is a new week. I hope you had a great weekend. I did. On Saturday some old friends came down. We went out to dinner then had a good evening playing euchre and sharing laughs. 

Sunday the grandgirls had a holiday dance recital. It was enjoyable. 

The weather was damp and cold all weekend. It is December, these things happen. 

Reading over this post so far I can see that while I had a good weekend it is boring stuff to read about. Sorry about that. I tell you what, let me know in the comments and I will return your subscription price. I call it customer service. Also, in the spirit of the times,  I will swing around the old iPad and you can leave me a tip. 

Have a great day.


Cappy said...

"Do you hear what I hear?"

What? How the hell do I know what you hear?

Anonymous said...

Mostly I hear ringing in my ears. Oh, and the voices. Lots of voices.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...


If the voices are halfway sane (or even if they aren't) they're telling you to write more books.


Anonymous said...


I’m about 4 chapters into a new one. I think it is way better than the last one, and it isn’t a mushy romancy story


Linda said...

Christmas songs were great from that era.
Practical Parsimony

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