February 24, 2024

A process of maturation

It doesn’t happen often. I deleted a long screed right before publishing. It was the kind of rant that was commonplace in these pages in the past. Those kind of posts engendered lots of comments. In some cases they were popular. It may be what draws you here still, looking for a political or cultural opinion. Forty-seven years of blogging here is proof positive I am often willing to throw my thoughts out there and live with the ramifications. Sometimes, I have learned, it is not worth it. Could I be finally growing up when I’m just weeks short of my...let me do the math...62 birthday? 

Or have I become a coward? 

Let me summarize the post like this: if everything is racist, nothing is. I will leave it at that. 

For the record, this is a fresh post, not prewritten days or weeks ago. As proof, there is a dusting of snow outside. I couldn’t know that in advance, could I? Keep that in mind this week. 

Am I the only one who who finds it disturbing Frank is singing a love song with his daughter? 

Happy Saturday.


Linda said...

I am not disturbed by their singing a love song together since there is nothing I remember to evoke disgust about either of their behaviors. Now, if it were Donald and Ivanka, I would be worse than disgusted.

You have been blogging for 47 years?

Joe said...

47 years — pure hyperbole. Since 2005.

Cappy said...

If it's not racist, you're not trying hard enough.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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