May 31, 2024

What it is about

 Make no mistake, Trump was really convicted of winning the 2016 election. The Democrat party has done everything possible to destroy him since.

Those of you who disagree, can you say with 100% certainty Trump would have been prosecuted had he not proclaimed he was again seeking the Presidency in 2024?

Yeah, I know the answer and so do you. 


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Just as a reminder, this was a "crime" the federal government declined to prosecute, because even the Democrats in the federal government saw what a minefield this would become.

Welcome to the minefield, commies.

Cappy said...

Merchan is preparing the Epstein suite as we speak.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

He should hope he gets Trump Epsteined before he himself is hanged from a convenient lamppost outside his court.

À la lanterne!

(In Minecraft.)

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