June 27, 2024

I don’t need no stinking debate

As I padded down to the kitchen to throw a pod into the coffee maker early this morning it occurred to me that cardinals seem to get up early. The robins were a few minutes late with their morning chirps. As the morning sky erupts in hues of pinks and lavender, the avian gossip tree is in full voice. Chirp, chirp, chirp. At least the  doves have taken their irritating cooing elsewhere so I don’t have to listen to that. 

Speaking of irritating hooting, I won’t be watching the debate tonight. There is no chance it will be a real debate. The partisan CNN hosts will prop up Biden at every opportunity and Trump will make it all about himself. He is the ultimate self-centered me,me,me guy. It is never about the voters.

Biden? He is the poster boy for incompetence. The facts are in evidence all around. Is anyone surprised the president refuses to take a drug test? Of course he will be full of aderol or similar to focus his attention for a couple of hours. 

Do you think athletes would voluntarily take a drug test if they had a choice? Don’t be naive. The president ain’t taking one either. 

Since both candidates are turds as human beings, focus on the policies. Are things going great with Biden? Do you like open borders, inflation, disastrous foreign policy, nitwittery posing as green agenda? He’s your man. Biden promises he’s going to raise your taxes. It’s what democrats do. Not only does everything cost more under this administration, Biden is going to make sure you have less money to buy it. Sounds like a great plan. Well he will take your money and pay off somebody’s student loan. There is that.

Is he sarcasm font working?

You watch and let me know how it went, okay?


slugmama said...

Everybody with more than 3 brain cells to rub together knows this will be a contrived shit show.
Hubs refuses to watch as well and he is the political news hound in this family.
We, the people, are screwed every which way to Sunday.

Cappy said...

I'll be watching reruns of Green Acres.

Cheryl said...

We will be watching Alone on the history channel. I can't vote for either so what to do?

Linda said...

We will be watching with dinner over with and snacks. Why should anyone take a drug test? His refusal to kowtow is not proof of guilt.

indicate sarcasm by-- /s
Practical Parsimony

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I want real debates. E.g.,

"Resolved: That open borders and unrestricted illegal immigration are bad for the body politic and the American way of life."

Debate that, Joe and Don.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

As for me, I will be writing tonight. Got to get the next book done.

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