June 22, 2024

It was a dumb idea anyway

I stared at the old blinking cursor for a bit today and decided instead of a weather report or something equally as boring I might try something a smidge creative on the old blog this morning. 

Okay,  “creative” might not be the best word, “innovative” perhaps? Maybe that is too ambiguous as well. 

Look I was feeling lazy and I decided to cut and paste an old post from June 22 from the archives. Haha wouldn’t that be funny? Reality says “nope.” Clearly, I have a life-long mental block when it comes to this date. Every single post from June 22 sucked. 

Yes. I know, suckage is not just on June 22 in my blog history. Dude, I need an editor. And someone who is erudite, pithy, and knowledgeable to write the content. 

But I have accomplished something today. I can certainly cut and paste this entry next year on June 22.


Jean said...

I just saw a post of mine that I'm considering for cut and paste.

Anonymous said...

Some entry from other days in June are okay in the archives, just not any June 22. It is weird.

I have to say you rarely throw up bad posts, Jean. Me? Always quantity over quality.

I might add I was certainly an angry guy in the early days. Perhaps “passionate “ is a better word.


Jean said...

Why, thank you, Joe.
I seem to remember much anger spewing forth from my early blogging attempts.
Got through it, got over it. Mostly.

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