July 12, 2024

Swallow my tears

Good morning blog world. Be honest, do you feel better about old Biden after his mumbling screeching angry press conference yesterday evening. Sure he only misidentified the president of Ukraine and his own VEEP, but we all do that, right? 

No we don’t. Dude can’t manage anything not on the teleprompter. 

I’ve been working on a big spreadsheet with lots of macros, calculations, and XLookups. It gives me a headache and I am reasonably adequate in Excel. I thought this exercise was a one-off. Now the boss thinks I should update it every month. Anyway, I found an error right before quitting time yesterday, so now I have to recheck the darn thing line by line. 

So yes, I’m blogging instead of working right now.

How about some Eighties music today? I e played this song before, but it is always worth a listen. 


Cappy said...

Hexel? Hah! Real men use SQL. Real men of genius.

Anonymous said...

Dude I’m a history major with a liberal arts education. Cut me some slack. It is a miracle I don’t ask “you want fries with that?” For my job.


glasslass said...

I read another blogger who also works in a field that has no passing acquaintance with his major or masters. Seems to be a recurring theme in a lot of people.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I'm a history major and I've worked in IT ever since I dropped out of grad school 30 years ago.

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