October 13, 2010

Finally, some good news

After weeks months years decades of bad luck, something has finally gone right at the Hoosierboy homestead. Of course, that means something really bad is about to happen.  The giant hand of fate takes great delight in setting me up for a beatdown.

Anyway, you might remember the wife's car was hit on the way to work last week. You can read about it here. The driver had no insurance and the insurance listed for the vehicle (in Indiana the car must be insured, not the driver) was not valid. After a week of calls, our carrier finally found the owner and the correct insurance carrier for the POS 1989 pickup that pulled into the side of my wife's Buick. The vehicle is covered! I am going for estimates today and hopefully we will have her car fixed in the next week or two.

As I said, I am looking over my shoulder.  Something bad is bound to hit.  Fate will not let this piece of good news pass without retaliation.

1 comment:

Freddie said...

That is good news.

Keepin' my fingers crossed that the other shoe forgets to drop.

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