June 24, 2015

That don't mean what you think it means

Keep the Confederate flag, dump it, I don't care. Those who live in the various states that fly the Bonny blue flag can make that decision. We should recognize that the flag was hoisted in many cases as a response to the Civil Rights Movement by Democrat Governors and Democrat legislatures.  Of course the flag represents slavery. It represents the efforts of those who tried to tear the country apart. I confess, I have pissed on the Jefferson Davis memorial. It was a juvenile act, but fitting for a man responsible for more than a half a million American deaths. I would, given the chance, do it again. Yes, Robert E. Lee was a traitorous bastard too.

Of course the Stars and Bars is offensive to blacks. But if you want them stuck on your bumper it tells the rest of us a great deal about you, just like an Obama bumper sticker or one of those stupid "tolerance" stickers made of religious symbols. It tells us you are naive and probably ignorant to boot. But there should be no PC knee-jerk actions here. Despite the current concern over "micro aggressions" there does not exist in America the right to never be offended.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

More importantly, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Charleston murders. Dragging the Stars and Bars into this is just a function of the progressive media circus this whole thing has turned into. Along with Democrats in the Tennessee legislature now fuming that they want a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest -- which was placed there in the 1980s by a Democrat governor so far as anyone can remember -- to be removed from the Statehouse.

The hell of that is, Forrest -- who, yes, was the first Grand Wizard of the Klan -- disbanded the Klan with his General Order #1 because he was horrified at the complete lack of control being exhibited by its members. And he modified his attitude about blacks considerably before he passed away, to boot. In other words, now Tennessee Democrats are crucifying his memory in the name of the same "tolerance" he himself had exhibited late in life.

Anonymous said...

Yes the flag in SC will come down. The fact that if a piece of cloth offends offends someone makes me wonder about their mental capabilities to begin with. The rest of the circus is already in town, the Westboro morons and the black panthers are here to help. I guess we should tear down all war memorials because they might offend someone, oh and by the way change the flag of the United States, slavery was legal under that flag up until the Civil War. While we are at it, lets dig up all those damn reb's and throw them in the Grand Canyon.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Thanks Fuzzy. I did not know that.

Joe said...

As usual you guys say it much better than I can.

I find Che T-shirts offensive. I still don't think they should be removed from Amazon or wherever.

hey teacher... said...

Flying the Connie flag at the statehouse is a show of honor and should cease. In a museum with verbage attached or on a beltbuckle not so much. If anyone wants to purchase and display the Connie flag let them then I will know not to bother conversing with them.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

That's gonna make Civil War reenactments kind of inaccurate, teach. But I doubt the reenactors care about your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I guess if you don't like history and don't mind re-writing history it's not a problem. Sadly the actual causes and reasons behind the civil war is not taught, they get the liberal glossed over version. IE North Good, South Bad. Be prepared for more history re-writing. Sooner or later Pearl Harbor will be an insult to people of oriental backgrounds.


hey teacher... said...

Don't want to rewrite history. Reenactors can carry their battle flag as they should for accuracy but a capitol of state of the United States doesn't need to display its former flag.

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