What the heck, I am up, I have time. I might as well post something. Why am I up at 04 dark thirty? I wish I knew. I have the day off, It is the one work day I can sleep in and my old buddy insomnia comes for a visit. So it goes.
I have decided I will expound on my way-too-long travelogue from my recent vacation. Yes boys and girls, I am going to give you pictures. I may or may not even be in some of them. If you are new to the site you will be most disappointed to learn I am no Paul Newmanesque character, nor do I resemble Race Bannon in any way. Instead, I am a post-middle-aged, skinny-legged lump with rapidly graying and thinning hair. Get your looks in because the pictures will not be up long.
Surely you know how to embiggen by now?
NOLA in the distance as we sailed down river towards the Gulf |
Sunset from the stern No, I do not know what is up with that green dot |
Another Caribbean sunset |
looking down the promenade deck |
The ship is really, really big |
It is impossible to be depressed when there is a palm tree |
I am much better at taking pictures of "things" than people. I especially like photographing sunsets. I think that is enough. There is nothing as boring as looking at someone's vacation pictures.
My fav is the one of the happy couple and the umbrella drinks.
You look like one of the cops on the show "The Closer".
Alas, I have never seen that show
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