July 31, 2023

You will always have Tara

I love history (especially the Civil War), literature, and old movies. It may come as a surprise that I watched Gone With the Wind for the first time ever yesterday. I know that sounds crazy. I may be one of the last people of the Boomer age to say that. 

GWTW remains, if adjusted for inflation, the best selling movie ever. The original novel remains one of the best selling English language novels ever. I will confess I also have not read the book. 

I will say that the character of Scarlet could just be the biggest bitch ever in film. Rhett gave a damn far too long. 

I got the requisite lecture on racism before the film aired on TCM (on the Max streaming service). In this case there is a significant amount of racism in the film, but to portray that society in that time any differently would be wrong. 

I will say, tongue in cheek, Prissy deserved to get slapped for her voice alone. 


Jean said...

I borrowed the book from the Bookmobile when I was about 10.
Saw the movie for the first time, in a local theater, 1969.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

My Dad's favorite book. And, I suspect, movie.

I never read the book and I watched the movie once. As much as I enjoy the study of the Late Unpleasantness, I just can't get into that particular story. (Besides which, I think Sherman didn't burn Atlanta hard enough.)

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