July 26, 2024

It’s good to be me

According to Livability I live in one of the best places in the US. I think they have it backward, it is one of the best places because I live here. While Mudsock didn’t earn the top spot, it is in the top five. 

Since most of you are probably not well versed on the geography of the northern Indy ‘burbs, Carmel and Fishers share a border in Hamilton County. I, in fact, live just on that line, so you might say I live in the very best place. 

Yes, there are some unbelievable homes in this community. I, however, live in the cheap part of town, helping bring that average down. 

Property is still comparatively inexpensive. The median house here would be at least twice that in many other areas.  

Sure, we need some appropriate Friday music:


Anonymous said...

I've heard for many years that most of our state's tax money ends up in your area.

How nice for you. ;)


Cappy said...

You're one toke over the city limits line.

Joe said...

We appreciate it, Fred!

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