July 30, 2009

Organic Food is a Joke

Good Morning Blog world. Didja miss me? I spent the past several days at a sales meeting in the Motor City. The good news is I did not have to go to New York. The bad news is I spent several days in Detroit. insert rimshot Let me ask you a question. Is it right and proper I leave a sales meeting angry and depressed? Shouldn't I leave all excited and enthusiastic?

I saw earlier today that studies have found organic food is no healthier than regular food, it just costs more. Read it here. This is typical of the entire liberal agenda -- form over substance, feelings over facts. And usually these programs come at a higher cost. The liberal cries "I do not like pesticides sprayed on my apples". The result is smaller crappy apples with worms, at a higher price.

It looks like the blue dog Democrats are not pit bulls but more like the little cute fuzzy harmless ankle biter Democrat dogs. They will stand up on the hind legs and do whatever tricks The Obama says for a little pork treat. The Democrats are selling your country's future. Like Big Dick says, leave those Obama stickers on your car so we know whom to blame.

I am on a well deserved and much needed vacation the rest of the week. I hope the rain holds off so I can do the work the wife has planned for me. Hahahaha my side hurts, does anyone believe that?

urgent and critical update:

Little Debbie oatmeal cream pies kick major ass, and they are not even organic.

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