July 26, 2024

It’s good to be me

According to Livability I live in one of the best places in the US. I think they have it backward, it is one of the best places because I live here. While Mudsock didn’t earn the top spot, it is in the top five. 

Since most of you are probably not well versed on the geography of the northern Indy ‘burbs, Carmel and Fishers share a border in Hamilton County. I, in fact, live just on that line, so you might say I live in the very best place. 

Yes, there are some unbelievable homes in this community. I, however, live in the cheap part of town, helping bring that average down. 

Property is still comparatively inexpensive. The median house here would be at least twice that in many other areas.  

Sure, we need some appropriate Friday music:

July 25, 2024

On the Veep

My normally sweet kind mostly non-political wife stated at dinner last night “ I wasn’t going to vote for president. I will now, for Trump. I would vote for Hillary before I voted for that Bitch.” 

I should note, my wife never swears.  This is the second time she has made a similar statement. You can bet she means it.

July 24, 2024

How about you?

Grilled peanut butter on Wonder bread (same as a grilled cheese except, well, peanut butter* in the middle instead), pretzel sticks, and a diet Faygo grape soda.

*If you haven’t tried it you should. Add some ‘nanas for an Elvis special.

July 23, 2024

Backyard zoo


Click to embiggen 
I snapped this quick picture of what I imagine is a goldfinch* grabbing a quick drink of water from my fountain yesterday afternoon. 

It was an unexpected nature shot because the image I wanted to capture got away. There was a squirrel laying on the platform, his head resting on his paws relaxing like he was at the side of a pool in Hollywood or something. He was the definition of chillaxin’. I moved too quickly when I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scared him off. 

Seconds after he left, the little yellow bird swooped down and grabbed a drink. Bird was probably glad I chased off the tree rat. “Stupid mammal hogging all of the water. “  

*it is just a yellow bird. I don’t care enough to discover its breed. I am hot a big fan of birds in general. That squirrel, he is a hard ass. He will sit on the patio furniture. He’ll look in the back door. If animals had a name his would be Fonzie. The other day he was climbing the screen on the patio door. A few hours later he was on the roof looking in the window of my office. When the boy had his dog here, the squirrel would come up to the patio door and stare at the furious dog, teasing him behind the safety of the glass, confident he could be gone before we could get 5he door open to let the dog out. We have a hoodlum rodent. 

July 22, 2024

Same as the old Boss

So Biden is out. Freedom lovers all across the land should have wished the senile old coot stayed in the race. Now the election will not be about the economy, open borders, or disastrous foreign policy, but rather it will be about the wymens and the raysists, and the LBGQRSTers and killin’ babies. Suburban women and blacks will flood to the polls. 

And for those of you concerned about soon-to be-forgotten Biden and his ability to communicate, you can have this to look forward to:

This woman polls lower than whale shit. Yet somehow people will vote for her — the same people who thought she was absolutely the worst choice for President when she tried to run four years ago. If she somehow beats Trump, she will be the first Affirmative Action President. 

The wife said she wasn’t going to cast a vote for president, but she will now “so she can vote against that idiot.”  I love my wife. 

July 21, 2024

Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

The Amazon spy speaker is giving me issues this morning. I can’t get it to play the music I want. I finally gave upon the new playlist and fell back on my old standby - 60’s rock. On the scale of things this is pretty minor. 

I spent the morning yesterday watching old movies. I caught Butterfield 8 followed by To Sir, With Love. Let me state for the record, before the Hollywood excess, before age caught up, LizTaylor was drop-dead gorgeous. I’m talking the 1955-1965 version. I might watch Cat on a Hot Tin Roof today just see her walk around in a slip. 

See what I mean? This is an image from Butterfield 8.

After I wasted the morning I spent the rest of the afternoon doing yard work, so Saturday wasn’t completely wasted. 

Since I’m rambling here today, For What it’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield is playing. That song always reminds me of my youngest. I usually gave him his bath when he was very young, and I always sang that song to him in the bathtub. He knew all of the words! 

The two oldest often got Civil War songs as their bath tunes. Both could belt the chorus to Marching Through Georgia. Yeah, it was a phase. I’d say the youngest benefited from the five year age difference. 

That’s far more detail than you want or need to know.

Have a great Sunday. 

July 20, 2024

I see so many dumb people

 It looks to be a perfect sunny summer day today. I suppose I will have to venture out later to do some yard work. I am in a lazy mood these days. I find little motivation to do anything. When I say anything I mean work, both the paying kind and the stuff that needs done around the house. 

I did install a new shower head last evening, but let’s be honest, that is just about the simplest thing you can do around the house.

I’m blogging from a new iPad this morning. It is not really “new” since it used to belong to the wife. I switched out her girly cover for a plain black one I got at Amazon for $9. I have been using the old gen 1 iPad since March, when my old iPad Air died. I say “using” in the loosest possible terms. It would not access about half the websites I normally visit. I could not even sign into blogger from that old relic. 

Blogging from my phone sucked. I wish I could blame the crappy content around here on that fact, but it was only partially to blame. 

We got the wife a new iPad, so I got her hand me down. It was an upgrade for each, and yes, I am happy with how it worked out for both of us. 

I intended to go politics free today. We all know how that goes. Let me say unequivocally, if you believe Trump staged that almost assassination, you are beyond dumb. I really do not want your stupidity to spread. Don’t breed. Have yourself surgically sterilized. 

In fact, do us all a favor, don’t even come by here any more. You absolutely have the right to believe and say anything you want, no matter how incredibly stupid and ill-informed it may be.

Just not on my blog.

July 19, 2024

I got ketchup on my blue jeans, I just burnt my hand

I have not written anything for my new novel in months. I am about 1/3 done. I have the last 1/3 written in my head. It is the middle stuff I’m struggling with. 

I opened the file this week and am re-reading what I’ve written so far, editing a little as I go. Most of it I like. Some sections  I think are above average, certainly better than my first book. It is more action, less navel gazing. 

I’m no closer to writing the next third than I was two or three months ago. Maybe I’ll write the WWII section and fill in other chapters later. I don’t know. I wanted to finish the thing by the end of June. That was my goal when I started writing. Now I don’t know if it will be done by the end of the year. Maybe never. 

But it is Friday. That is the good news. 

You know what we need? Some Friday music. 

July 18, 2024

Strange Encounters

My maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother’s brother (my dad’s uncle) were in the same platoon at Great Lakes Naval Training Center in WWII. 

Did they know each other before? They were from the same town. Who knows?

In any case one generation later the two families came together when dad married mom.  Of course my grandmother and her entire large family hated my mother, so maybe the enmity came from those days at Great Lakes?

July 17, 2024

More than smoke on the water

 I always dig unexpected covers. Check out this version of  Help! From Deep Purple.

July 16, 2024

Nary a word about the weather

Are you kidding me? Is really only Tuesday? I swear I thought it was Thursday already. But then if it was Thursday, I would have to sit through a two hour on line monthly sales meeting this afternoon, so I do get to escape that torture for a couple of more days. 

There was lots of Trump talk throughout interwebz the past few days. Many expressed opinions far better than I ever could. I will say this, if you think the whole thing was staged you are an idiot. I’m surprised you don’t need written instructions telling you to breathe in and out. 

Am I the only one who sees the coverage change slightly. Sunday there was a lot of questions on “how could this happen?” Now you are seeing less condemnation of the Secret Service already. I don’t care. I’m no gunnan. I never served in the military. Not covering the most obvious shooting site is incompetence at best. 

Yes, back in the day I could put all of my shots into a two inch circle at 150 yards. But I never took a shot under duress and my target wasn’t moving. I bet yours wasn’t either. Trump is a lucky man. Trump is alive only through a turn of his head, a gust of wind, the hand of God. Maybe all three. 

When Democrats and the press spend eight years saying Trump is evil, a danger to democracy, and must be stopped, then no one should be surprised when some nut takes the message seriously. How did this happen? Look in the mirror.

July 15, 2024

My Maserati does 185

 Dear Driver,

Have you always driven like an asshole, or did it start when you bought your Maserati SUV?

Oh, and a Maserati SUV is about as lame as you can get. I’ll say it. 

July 14, 2024

You know it’s true

One thing is for certain, no one is going to read this blog and think for even one second “I bet that is AI written.”

Only a human could write stuff this…mediocre and boring. 

But here is some more eighties music. 

Yes, I know calling the content of this site mediocre is generous at best. 

July 13, 2024

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning

 We need some more warm eighties music to celebrate a summer Saturday.

We are off this afternoon to hang by the pool. Behave yourselves while I’m gone. 

July 12, 2024

Swallow my tears

Good morning blog world. Be honest, do you feel better about old Biden after his mumbling screeching angry press conference yesterday evening. Sure he only misidentified the president of Ukraine and his own VEEP, but we all do that, right? 

No we don’t. Dude can’t manage anything not on the teleprompter. 

I’ve been working on a big spreadsheet with lots of macros, calculations, and XLookups. It gives me a headache and I am reasonably adequate in Excel. I thought this exercise was a one-off. Now the boss thinks I should update it every month. Anyway, I found an error right before quitting time yesterday, so now I have to recheck the darn thing line by line. 

So yes, I’m blogging instead of working right now.

How about some Eighties music today? I e played this song before, but it is always worth a listen. 

July 10, 2024

I hate the person who invented “snooze”

The wife’s alarm beeped for the third time at 6:00. A habit that has irritated me for forty years now. Just get up already. But it isn’t going to change. In the old days she would have her alarm go off every ten minutes for thirty or forty minutes before she got up. It was especially irritating when I worked second shift. 

This morning she climbs out of bed and tells me she has to get the girls early today and oh, btw, she is out of gas could I go get her some? Another gust of wind splattered rain against the bedroom window. The sound covered my mumbled complaints. 

I stood at the pump as a light rain lashed my back. The last remnants af Hurricane Beryl are moving on. On the scale of things, this is no big deal. I know she really hates pumping gas. We all have stuff we prefer not to do. I just wish she would have asked me last evening when there was a break in the weather. 

July 9, 2024

Finally caught

Hurricane Beryl chased us around the Caribbean last week. We dodged and weaved like Ali and she never laid a hand on us. She was always a couple of days behind our ship. Somehow, Beryl is determined to rain on us, finally finding us a thousand miles inland. Drop your rain and move on. I get the last laugh, I had a great vacation. 

July 8, 2024


 Back to work 

July 7, 2024

Making the most of it

Stranglehold is playing on my spy speaker this morning. I dig some Ted guitar, but it is somewhat jarring at six in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, back in the day I did plenty of rocking in the early morning hours. Mostly I was still up. That was long ago.

We went out for dinner with my daughter and her family last evening. The grand girls hugged my wife like crazy. I think they were glad to see me too. The wife has provided day care for both since they were born. 

The youngest starts kindergarten next month. The wife is going to be lost. She will still watch them after school, but it is not the same as having them here all day. 

Yes, I’m going to miss having a little one here too. Those girls saved my life when I was really down a few years ago. They kept me going. That and a lot of praying. 

We are off to a rare Sunday pool day at our friend’s house this afternoon. It will be a fitting end to what has been a great vacation. Then it is back to work. More emails and issues than I care to think about await my attention. 

Now I have to go pack up some stogies and get some ice for the cooler. Life is rough. 

July 6, 2024

Back home again, in Indiana

Not a pirate in sight

   So we took a little trip to celebrate our fortieth anniversary. Since my thoughts are always of you, reader, I made sure to can up some appropriate posts so you could get your daily fix of lousy entries from me. I’m thoughtful that way. 

The cruise was a five day affair out of Tampa visiting Roatan in Honduras and Cozumel in Mexico. The weather was spectacular, but hot. We had a terrific time. 

For the first time on a cruise we did not have an interior cabin. We did not get a balcony, but we did have a couple of portholes to let in light. Here’s the thing, we only use the cabin for sleeping anyway (yes only sleeping, dang it). An interior room has never bothered me. 

The  entertainment was good, the comedians meh, the food what I expected. 

In Mahogany Bay we did some zip lining then spent the day on the beach.  In Cozumel we snorkeled and then went to a beach. We had a great time on both excursions. 

The drive to and fro Tampa went fine, we were delayed a bit for accidents on the highway both going and coming, but we’re only caught in the tail of the traffic jams. 

What is up with bad drivers refusing to use cruise control? I’m not talking old beaters, but newer cars you know have speed control installed. If I could not hold speed better than that, I would not get behind the wheel. 

I have driven in the range of a million miles. That is not an exaggeration. I spent thirty plus years as a traveling salesman. I can hold my speed pretty well . But the computer in my car can do it better.  If you are that guy — speed up, slow down — just quit. You ain’t a good driver. 

If I pass you and then you pass me and then I pass you again all in five miles, one of us is a bad driver. I have my cruise control on so it isn’t me. Do not be that guy. And stay the hell out of the left lane. If more than three cars pass you on the right, you are a tool. 

Lecture done. Today I have a week’s worth of chores to do. Cut the lawn, pick up sticks, blah, blah. Too bad I have to work the rest of the year to have a great week of holiday. 

So it goes. Some people don’t get that, I count myself blessed. 

July 5, 2024

Home where my love lies waitin'

By the time you read this, the wife and I will be motoring home from what I hope was a great vacation. We took a Caribbean cruise and spent a couple of days in Florida to celebrate our anniversary. As far as past me knows, future me did not encounter any pirates of the Caribbean on this trip. 

Since this is a canned post, you will have to wait until I get home for a full report. 

Edited: (live) we arrived home in the early morning hours. After a couple hours of sleep I am zombie surfing your blogs to get caught up on things. We stayed ahead of the hurricane and had perfect weather the whole trip. 

Around Nassau town we did roam


July 4, 2024

On this date, sorta


I have said before, the John Adam’s miniseries from HBO should be required viewing.

July 2, 2024

Well, it's not far down to paradise

 I saw this guy in concert once. I think he opened for Fleetwood Mac . He just stood there and in all honesty, kinda sucked.

June 30, 2024

Lucky man

Today marks my 40th wedding anniversary. 

When the minister there at the Methodist Church said “forever” I didn’t know he meant this long..,

My wife doesn’t find that joke amusing. 

Seriously, I’m lucky that I married my best friend. We have way more ups than downs, and contrary to several advice columns, I don’t feel like I have had to work at my Marriage much. Mostly, we save our infrequent arguments for stuff that is really important and let the minor stuff slide. After all, tomorrow is a new day.

Let me be clear, I know without a doubt, I am far more difficult to live with. The real me isn’t so different than blog me. Unfortunately.

June 29, 2024

Set an open course for the Virgin Sea


It is theme week here at the old blog

June 28, 2024

come aboard. we're expecting you.

 Remember this old show?

I watched an episode Sunday evening. Wow it is cheesy. I dug the show back in the seventies, until they introduced the kid into the cast. What were they thinking?

June 27, 2024

I don’t need no stinking debate

As I padded down to the kitchen to throw a pod into the coffee maker early this morning it occurred to me that cardinals seem to get up early. The robins were a few minutes late with their morning chirps. As the morning sky erupts in hues of pinks and lavender, the avian gossip tree is in full voice. Chirp, chirp, chirp. At least the  doves have taken their irritating cooing elsewhere so I don’t have to listen to that. 

Speaking of irritating hooting, I won’t be watching the debate tonight. There is no chance it will be a real debate. The partisan CNN hosts will prop up Biden at every opportunity and Trump will make it all about himself. He is the ultimate self-centered me,me,me guy. It is never about the voters.

Biden? He is the poster boy for incompetence. The facts are in evidence all around. Is anyone surprised the president refuses to take a drug test? Of course he will be full of aderol or similar to focus his attention for a couple of hours. 

Do you think athletes would voluntarily take a drug test if they had a choice? Don’t be naive. The president ain’t taking one either. 

Since both candidates are turds as human beings, focus on the policies. Are things going great with Biden? Do you like open borders, inflation, disastrous foreign policy, nitwittery posing as green agenda? He’s your man. Biden promises he’s going to raise your taxes. It’s what democrats do. Not only does everything cost more under this administration, Biden is going to make sure you have less money to buy it. Sounds like a great plan. Well he will take your money and pay off somebody’s student loan. There is that.

Is he sarcasm font working?

You watch and let me know how it went, okay?

June 26, 2024

Zero dark thirty

 I woke up at 4:00 again this morning. I’m getting a little tired of it. It is like my body has adjusted to a new, most unpleasant schedule. It isn’t like I’m going to bed earlier either. For much of my life I operated on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. For the past decade or so I have done much better; around seven hours a night. I’ve popped awake between four o’clock and five o’clock nearly every day the past three weeks. What do you do? The downside is I fight the urge to dose in the afternoon. 

In the other hand, this early rising gives me a topic to blog about. Anyone who has read this piece o’crap blog for long knows I really like to complain. Complaining may be my one true skill set. 

Have a great whatever day of the week this is.

June 25, 2024

It is trash day and this blog belongs in that bin

My morning routine is pretty simple and unvaried. I get up, throw on yesterday’s clothes and stumble downstairs to make coffee. I trudge back up the stairs, plop in the office recliner and peruse the interwebz. Then I do my best to crank out a post. That part is increasingly more difficult. 

If the last thirty-seven years (hyperbole) of blogging are any evidence, I will get over it this spate of non-creativity. Every time I decide I’m done, finished, over it, I get a surge of “I need to write about that.”  

So what? Indeed. How about some music? 

June 24, 2024

You know

It occurs to me that I might be one of four people in the world younger than 90 who actually likes ginger snaps.

June 23, 2024

Checking off the checklist

A summer thunderstorm rolled through in the pre-dawn hours. A cold less hot front is supposed to follow. Of course, I cut the grass yesterday. I don’t mind. Generally speaking I’m fine in the heat or the cold. Sure I get hot, but I can survive. It is the same with cold. Don’t get me wrong. I prefer to be in the sir conditioning when it is 95 with 98% humidity, but sometimes life doesn’t give us what we want. If it did, a check for $500 would show up on my mailbox Monday. 

I will get an electric deposit of $4.24 on the 30th. This is a royalty payment for selling a couple of books in April. Thanks to whomever bought my collection of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Hey, drop an me a review. I appreciate my reviews, but let’s be honest, I wouldn’t give it five stars and I wrote it! 

Have a great Sunday. 

June 22, 2024

It was a dumb idea anyway

I stared at the old blinking cursor for a bit today and decided instead of a weather report or something equally as boring I might try something a smidge creative on the old blog this morning. 

Okay,  “creative” might not be the best word, “innovative” perhaps? Maybe that is too ambiguous as well. 

Look I was feeling lazy and I decided to cut and paste an old post from June 22 from the archives. Haha wouldn’t that be funny? Reality says “nope.” Clearly, I have a life-long mental block when it comes to this date. Every single post from June 22 sucked. 

Yes. I know, suckage is not just on June 22 in my blog history. Dude, I need an editor. And someone who is erudite, pithy, and knowledgeable to write the content. 

But I have accomplished something today. I can certainly cut and paste this entry next year on June 22.

June 21, 2024

Tell me, how long you're gonna stay here, Joe?

It is six in the aye em, certainly a reasonable time to be up and about. I guess. Unfortunately I have been ensconced here in the office recliner perusing the interwebz since about 4:45. That is not reasonable. But so it goes. 

I could pretend I’m pseudo depressed. After all, the days are getting shorter. There will be fewer hours of sunshine today than yesterday. Sniff. Sob. Hey, it’s true. Would I lead you astray? It is only 187 days until Christmas. Ponder that. 

It is supposed to be hot today. Not only in actuality, but more so because it is SUMMER. The media acts like it is a new thing to be hot in the summer. Panic! In 200 days  or so they will be surprised to discover it is cold! Who knew? 

Anyway it is Friday and I am ready for the weekend. I have nothing planned, but I won’t be staring at a spreadsheet. 

Have a great Friday. Oh, as a parting gift you can have this stuck in your head like I have for two days:

You are welcome.

June 20, 2024

Darn you, Tippi Hedron


I have this water feature in my backyard beside my patio. I find it relaxing when I sit and ponder life, work, or the cigar I’m smoking.

Every bird in the Mudsock zip code seems to think the thing is their personal water fountain and bath tub. I have to routinely fill it with fresh water and clean out the filter on the pump because, well, they are dirty filthy nasty birds. 

What is the thanks I get for giving our avian friends access to water?

This, on my patio door:

Splattered through the screen.

Stupid birds.

Happy Summer!

June 19, 2024

In the Old Northwest

Today marks the federal holiday of Juneteenth. No mail today. Yawn. I have to work. No holiday for me! I have no issue celebrating the end of slavery in this country. That holiday should be December 18. But, whatever. 

Of course accompanied with Juneteenth are the never-ending calls for citizens who never owned slaves to give money to people who never were slaves.  The mayor of Chicago is the latest to take up the call for reparations. 

One of the few legislative victories of the dysfunctional  Congress of the Confederation of the US was the Northwest ordinance of 1787. It formed the Northwest Territory comprising the area that would come to encompass Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota. In case you are Geographically challenged, Chicago would lie right in the heart of that area. 

Here is the thing, slavery was illegal in the Northwest Territory. Chicago was incorporated in 1837, some fifty years after slavery was outlawed in the area. What reparations are owed by Chicago to what ancestors of slaves that never existed in Chicago?

Now if you want to talk about the onerous Treaty of Greenville…

June 18, 2024

Messing with the kids

Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again asking why I didn’t do something useful with my time.

Like sitting around the pool and drinking wine is not a good thing, I said.

Talking about my “doing something useful” seems to be her favorite topic of conversation.

She was “only thinking of me” and suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys.

I did this and when I got home last night, I decided to teach her a lesson about staying out of my business.

I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a parachute club.

She replied, “Are you nuts? you are 73 years old, and now you’re going to start jumping out of airplanes?”

I told her that I even got a membership card and e-mailed a copy to her.

She immediately telephoned me, “Good grief, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club.”

Oh man, I’m in trouble again; I really don’t know what to do… I signed up for five jumps a week.”

The line went quiet and her friend picked up the phone and said that my daughter had fainted.

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier but sometimes it can be fun.

June 17, 2024

Start me up

I had a great Father’s Day. My boys called me up to wish me a happy day. My daughter made a great dinner with steak and spuds. Desert was peach cobbler - she knows I love peaches. In fact, the wife took me for ice cream in the afternoon and I had…peach ice cream! 

In other news the Cubs are sucking these days. It’s not a new thing, they’ve been bad for most of my life. I don’t expect them to win a World Series every year. Actually averaging more than three hits a game would be nice. 

It is going to be hot this week. Temps are forecasted for the  90s with high humidity. The weather people want to panic. I opine it is summer. 

Since I regularly comment on the weather when I have nothing to write about (most days) a perusal of the old blog for June of most years will show entries complaining about the heat. 

So it goes. 

I have a conference call with some people in Germany. Gotta go. Have a good Monday.

June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

 …to all you Dads out there. 

I miss you , Pop.

June 15, 2024

There is a house in New Orleans

It is a glorious Saturday here at the old homestead. Birds are singing, rabbits are hopping, squirrels are chattering, and chipmunks skulk around the flower beds. Classic rock plays softly on my spy speaker while I hunt and peck on the keyboard. 

What? I see you waving your arm in the air. Yes, you can go to the restroom…no? Oh, yeah, I did say not to expect a post today. Hm. Well, Surprise! 

Geez, now what do you want? Uh huh. Yes. Well actually I never promised a quality post, now did I?*

And you aren’t getting one either: a quality post. You are getting words and paragraphs. Hey, sometimes in life you get what you pay for. At least I’m not spinning around that tablet looking for a tip. I’m not saying I would not welcome some cash if you want to send it, I’m just not asking. I suspect not many of you would look askance at an unexpected windfall. 

I am reminded of a time back in junior high. I found a five dollar bill in the hallway. I took the money to the office. It was probably somebody’s lunch money. All I could think about is how I would feel if I lost my lunch funds. Some of my friends thought me a fool to give up found cash. Some fifty years later I still do not regret my decision. Of course ever-cynical me is pretty sure the lady in the office pocketed the fiver thinking “Hey, free money!”

B This attitude probably explains why my bank account totters on the edge of negative far too often in the days prior to payday. That and Bidenomics. But you knew that.

* read this if you want a quality post.

June 14, 2024

When all else fails

My writer’s block extends to this journal. Here is some music:

Have a great Friday.

I wouldn’t get my hopes up for a Saturday post.

June 13, 2024

Do not believe your lying eyes

The press propaganda arm of the Democratic Party wants you to believe all is well with the economy. They shout to heaven that inflation was only 3% last month and that is good because it could have been higher. What it really means is that figurative dollar on your debit card bought you 3% less than it did last month. 

Me? I bought gas and groceries. Don’t try to tell me everything is rosey and all we need is a little more Bidenomics to make everything glorious. I doubt you are that dumb either. 

The bottom line is everything is up 20-30% since Biden took office. Don’t believe the talking heads when they try to convince you that our senile chief executive is doing a great job. Look at that receipt from the grocery store and make an informed decision come November.

June 12, 2024


I was set to write a screed about one Biden guilty of gun charges while another bumbles through a “we need more gun control laws” speech on the same day.  I won’t. You can find just such an editorial all over the web, 

Instead, let’s just listen to more music. 

This is quite possibly one of the saddest songs ever penned:

June 11, 2024

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie

If you stopped by for meaningful content today you are out of luck.

Listen to some old rock music instead.

June 10, 2024

If this is the best I can do on a Monday it will be a long week

June 2024

Today it is expected to be chilly for a Monday in June. I’m not worried, regular summer heat is forecasted to arrive my mid-week along with lots of sun. 

The day lilies along my patio sure do not mind the weather. I snapped this picture yesterday while I was relaxing with a nice cigar on the patio. 

We had a good weekend, I cooked up a birthday dinner for the wife Saturday. Sunday we went to have a steak at Texas Roadhouse. We used a gift certificate sent by the oldest boy for his mom’s birthday. 

Work entered my head early this morning and I couldn’t get back to sleep. So here I am typing boring drivel for you in order to avoid firing up the laptop at 5:30 am. The good thing is I have a weekly afternoon meeting with my boss on Monday afternoon, so I will not have to fight the urge to fall asleep at my desk this afternoon!

June 9, 2024


Sixteen year-old William Ayres was sure he could be one of the greatest gunfighters of all time. He longed to see his name and exploits written about in the dime novels. Just what he would do to become famous, he was not sure, but he knew it involved being good with a gun. He practiced every day with his old Navy Colt, drawing and dry firing until he was sure he just might be the fastest man alive with a gun. All he needed was cartridges and opportunity to prove himself.  

Every day William went into the woods outside of Jefferson and practiced. He would draw and pull the trigger in one smooth motion. He mimed firing until he could save up for ammunition. William was worried about his nickname. Billy the Kid was taken. He thought he would go by Six Gun Bill or maybe the Jefferson Kid.  Ayres was reluctant to refer to himself as “Kid”.  He was slight and small of build. His features were boyish and a bit feminine. His gun was manly enough he thought.

Ayres took a job far beneath his self-worth when he agreed to drive some hogs to the railroad chute on the west side of Jefferson. His handful of greenbacks allowed him to buy a box of shells. He was amazed when he finally got to fire his revolver that he could not hit his target. He learned from the dime novels that all of the great gunfighters could hit an ace on a playing card with their six-shooter as easily as pointing a finger. He tacked a playing card to the trunk of a slim maple tree and convinced himself he just barely missed and he was fast enough to fire twice while his opponent was still drawing his gun from the leather holster. Finally, William Ayres hit the trunk of the maple right above the playing card and the Jefferson Kid knew he was ready to take on the wild wooly west.

He didn’t want to ruin a playing card anyway, he convinced himself. William had never played poker, but he knew the rules and was sure he would be good at it. There was no reason to ruin a deck of cards, he decided. After a while he became sure he missed the card on purpose. William stood and emptied the gun quickly into the trunk beside the other bullet from a distance of about eight inches. He smiled smugly. It felt good. That’s the way a true gunfighter can shoot.

The next morning William walked into the bank, pointed his gun, and robbed the teller of just over forty-five dollars. Ayres stole a horse and rode rapidly out of town. He first headed east then circled back to the west, sure he outsmarted any Sheriff’s posse. The self-minted Jefferson Kid was convinced he was now on the road to fame and fortune.

Two weeks later The Jefferson Kid spent the last of his coins to pay a fare to cross the Mississippi River into St. Louis. He was broke, tired, and humiliated. Bad luck started when he lost almost twenty-five dollars somehow. It must have fallen from his pocket buying supplies. Then, who knew it cost so much to stay in hotels and eat in dining rooms and boarding houses? The last place he stayed wanted a dollar to put up his horse in the livery barn for the night. Then his horse threw a shoe and he had to pay a blacksmith to replace it.

William rolled a drunk for a crumpled banknote and  pocket change. He made a dry camp next to the Missouri River in St. Charles, shivering in his blankets in the damp air. That evening The Kid entered a poker game in a riverfront dive and lost all of his cash in just a few minutes. He accused the winner of the hand of cheating. “You want to take that back, boy?” asked the man in the nice black suit, his eyes narrowed in anger. “I will allow you spoke in haste, being so young and all.”

William greedily eyed the modest pot in the center of the table. “I ain’t no boy, I am the Jefferson Kid, also known as Six Gun Bill, and I don’t take kindly to cheaters,” William spoke, his voice cracking just a little. Two players on either side of the poker table scooted away out of the line of fire. The tall man in the suit stood up. William palmed his gun as he half-rose from his chair. He felt the slug hit his gut before he had his gun half out of the leather.  He fell sideways from his chair, the shock and pain beyond anything he ever imagined. Tears filled his eyes as he moaned in agony. His stomach felt like it was on fire.

“Six Gun Bill? More like Slow Gun Bill,” quipped the tall man. The laughter hurt the kid almost as much as the bullet lodged in his abdomen.  The tall stranger gathered up the pot and walked calmly out of the tavern. William Jefferson died three days later, crying for his mother, in intense pain. He was buried in an unmarked grave.


Fifty years later, Jacob Wyatt winched the trunk of a big maple tree onto the slide and adjusted the saw blade. He began to cut long boards from the heartwood. He heard a strange metallic sound on the previous cut. He leaned over the trunk to watch the blade as he pushed the log forward again. The big blade hit a chunk of lead from several bullets buried deep in the heart of the tree. The log kicked back suddenly and with force, striking Jacob in the head. He fell back, the saw blade screaming into the afternoon. A bullet from the gun of the Jefferson Kid had finally killed a man.

June 8, 2024

You'll find a woman, yeah, and you'll find love

 The morning sky is hues of pink and lavender as the rising sun pushes back the darkness. It is a chilly start to this Saturday. Today marks the wife’s redacted birthday. I’m sure it will rain for a bit sometime during the day. It always seems to rain on her birthday. 🎂 

My daughter and her family are coming over for dinner. They are bringing cake,. I’m making my famous lasagne. Kid number 3 has to work and kid number two is in Colorado. The wife is always thrilled to see any of her children and grandchildren. Even if she sees or talks to them nearly every day. 

A squirrel and a rabbit are both munching grass and weeds in the front yard, each seemingly unaware of the other. I’ve no doubt the chipmunk is eyeing both skeptically from the shelter of the flower bed. It is a veritable rodent zoo around here. 

Enjoy your Saturday.

June 7, 2024

Bob Dylan told us times were a changing

We went to a funeral yesterday. It was for a good friend’s mother. She was in her eighties. Still , it is difficult to lose a loved one.

I wore a suit and tie. I was the only one there dressed in a suit, except the employees of the funeral home. The wife wore a dress. Some people had on ties, a few wore coats. Most were dressed in decent clothing. I do not expect anyone to go buy new clothes just to go to a funeral. 

I do think the guy who showed up in filthy shorts and a dirty T-shirt wearing a baseball cap to be not only inappropriately dressed, but disrespectful. I guess I’m just an old “Get off my lawn” guy, but it is too much to ask that you not look like you just finished mowing the lawn before you head to the funeral home?

June 6, 2024

June 6

"The most difficult and complicated operation ever to take place" 
The above quote is by Winston Churchill.


Joseph Stalin said 
"The history of war does not know of an undertaking comparable to it for breadth of conception, grandeur of scale, and mastery of execution."

June 6, 1944. Not many under the age of 40, or maybe even 60, know the importance of this date. D-Day. The assault on Normandy, an operation that has never been equaled in the anals of history. The landing location was kept a secret, the Hun was stunned to the very core. Yet it was a close thing. Read the fine history of D-Day by Stephen Ambrose. Did you think Private Ryan was graphic? Read the words of the men at Utah, Gold, Juno, and Omaha beaches.

Nearly 175,000 Canadians, British, and Americans landed on D-day, at a cost of more than 10,000 casualties. We do not know for sure. It was only after several days of fighting that role calls were made, paperwork completed. Over 6,600 Americans were casualties, over 2,000 of those were on Omaha Beach and 2,500 were from the Airborne troops. These men sacrificed to save the world from the likes of Hitler. They freed Europe and saved France from its own traitorous Vichy Government. 

"As the first men jumped, they crumpled and flopped into the water. Then order was lost. It seemed to the men that the only way to get ashore was to dive head first in and swim clear of the fire that was striking the boats. But, as they hit the water, their heavy equipment dragged them down and soon they were struggling to keep afloat. Some were hit in the water and wounded. Some drowned then and there... But some moved safely through the bullet fire to the sand and then, finding they could not hold there, went back in to the water and used it as cover, only their heads sticking out. Those who survived kept moving with the tide, sheltering at times behind underwater obstacles and in this way they finally made their landings.

Within ten minutes of the ramps being lowered, Company A had become inert, leaderless and almost incapable of action. Every officer and Sergeant had been killed or wounded... It had become a struggle for survival and rescue. The men in the water pushed wounded men ashore, and those who had reached the sands crawled back into the water pulling others to land to save them from drowning, in many cases only to see the rescued men wounded again or to be hit themselves. Within twenty minutes of striking the beach Company A had ceased to be an assault company and had become a forlorn little rescue party bent upon survival and the saving of lives." 

Official Unit Report, Company A, 116th Infantry, 29th Division. 

On the backs of these men and the rest of the "Greatest Generation" that we owe our freedom today. Thank God for them in your payers tonight.

June 5, 2024

Goose, gander, politics

You know Hillary and her campaign were fined for actually using campaign money to cover up the Steele dossier. They hid the expense as “legal fees”. Her campaign headquarters were in New York. 

Since this is almost precisely what the New York DA went after Trump for, will we see indictments against Clinton in the coming days? Or was the Trump prosecution purely political?

Next up, should we discuss when Obama paid off his racist preacher Jeremiah Wright to get him to keep quiet until after the election because every time Wright opened his mouth Obama’s poll numbers dipped? I think that is the definition of hush money.

Yeah, yeah, Orange Man bad. 

June 4, 2024

Boo Hoo

 I mentioned a short while back I was having pain in my “good “ foot. Last night  I was making onion rings and I stepped up on a chair to fetch my mandolin from high in the cabinet. Suddenly, I felt a pop and had an excruciating pain in my foot and ankle. I limped around the kitchen preparing supper. After dinner the pain did not subside. I swallowed couple of Advil before bed.

By bedtime my foot was slightly swollen, and still hurt. I found an old ankle brace and strapped it on. Around three in the morning the pain woke me up. I fought it awhile, then moved into the office recliner so I could elevate the limb.

You may remember a few years ago stress fractures from my high arches turned into a significant break in my right foot that required surgery to repair. Yeah, my left foot feels like that this morning. Maybe I pulled something. Maybe it is plantar fasciitis. Maybe it is my hypochondria. Maybe I’ll call the doctor. 

I don’t have time for this right now. The yard needs mowed. The girls have swim meets and dance recitals. We have a 40th anniversary trip coming up. I need to be fully mobile. 

I know, I  need some bread and cheese to go with my whine. There are people with real medical issues out there. Here I am crying about a sore foot. 

June 3, 2024

Feeling 80(s)


I once saw these guys in concert. They opened for the GoGos

June 2, 2024

Judging by the cover

Sitting at the mall yesterday and four women walked by. It was clearly three sisters and the mom. All the sisters were in their forties or fifties. Based on their demeanor, attitude, frowny faces, and haircut, I venture every one of them was named Karen. 

I’m just sayin’.

June 1, 2024

Discounts and free stuff for you

I know you have been dying to read my novel Suburban Moon. Here is what I am going to do to make that happen. Starting today, the kindle version will be a mere $1.99. You can’t hardly even get a Snickers bar for that price, and my book will last a lot longer than a mouthful of peanuts, nougat, and chocolate.

I didn’t say it was as good as a Snickers bar, I said it will take you longer to consume. 

You can even get a FREE kindle reader for your tablet or computer if you need one. How is that for a deal?

Hey, if you take advantage of this deal, or maybe already read the piece o’ crap book, leave me an honest review over there at Amazon, okay?

What? You want further incentive? Here is a music video. 

There you go.

May 31, 2024

What it is about

 Make no mistake, Trump was really convicted of winning the 2016 election. The Democrat party has done everything possible to destroy him since.

Those of you who disagree, can you say with 100% certainty Trump would have been prosecuted had he not proclaimed he was again seeking the Presidency in 2024?

Yeah, I know the answer and so do you. 

May 30, 2024

What a joke

The kangaroo court has spoken.

I’m not surprised. 

It just convinced me to vote for Trump, and that was no sure thing before.

May 29, 2024

Even People in Banana Republics are Shaking Their Heads in Confusion

Let me see if I have this right. A prosecutor runs for election on the promise he is going to prosecute a person for some crime, any crime. He will decide later.

That individual is finally charged. The crime is a misdemeanor. And yes, that misdemeanor was way past the statute of limitations, but if the prosecutor can tie that crime to another crime then it is OK to charge the defendant.  Legal experts all over try to tell the prosecutor that is not how the law works, no one ever has been charged like that, but the prosecutor says "But I promised to get him for something, anything."

The judge decides the defendant cannot exercise his First Amendment rights because the judge doesn't like the fact that the defendant says the judge is biased and his daughter is a fundraiser and major supporter of the other political party, even though it is absolutely true. The judge threatens to fine and send the defendant to jail if he says anything negative about his trial.

The star witness is an admitted perjurer and felon. He lies in his testimony, and admits he is a thief and embezzler, but we should ignore that because the crimes he is testifying about are so heinous. 

What are those crimes? Despite the Sixth Amendment, which says "[the accused is] informed of the nature and cause of the accusation...to have compulsory witnesses in his favor." The prosecutor and judge decide that naming the crime is prejudicial against the State's case. And to confuse the issue the Judge lets people testify to salacious details that are fun and exciting, but have absolutely nothing to do with bookkeeping entries that may or may not be illegal. 

The judge tells the jury they can choose what additional crime the accused committed. The judge will not tell them the law, the defense cannot have witnesses to describe the law, and believe it or not, the jury does not have to agree on whatever additional crime the defendant did, as long as all twelve think he did something, anything, illegal. 

Oh, the defendant is a politician and of the other party from the judge and prosecutor. 

But we are not to think any of this is political nor unfair.


Yesterday was a cluster of inconveniences. I went out about noon to check the mail and discovered the Grand Cherokee had a flat. Remarkably, I did not swear. My drive slopes toward the street. It is not all that steep, but more than I want to worry about jacking up a big old SUV. 

I dragged out my little tiny air compressor and plugged it into what old phartz like me call the cigarette lighter port, even though cigarette lighters in the car disappeared years ago. I blew the tire up to about 25 psi and backed the car into the street and parked next to the curb. I decided to see what happens. I moseyed back out thirty minutes or so later and the tire had lost maybe a pound or two of pressure.

I filled it up some more and drove a couple of miles to the tire store. They said they could get to it in a few hours. I called the wife and she picked me up. 

The tire store called to tell me the key for the locking lug nuts was nowhere to be found. Only one other place has ever touched the vehicle; the dealer where I get it serviced ( it came with three years of free oil changes). I had the wife drive me there. I was willing to buy a new lug nut key. The company would pay, it’s their car. 

Dealer parts guy says can’t help me. Suggests I talk to service. Service guy shrugs and says he can’t help me unless I have the car. I keep my cool and tell him there is no way I’m paying to tow a car when they lost the key. He shrugs. Standoff. I swear under my breath as I tell the wife to take me to the tire store. 

I find the package of lug nuts they replaced with the locking nuts and the empty slot where the key went. The kit was a Mopar kit. Of course the Chrysler Jeep dealer can get the key. I swore some more. Tire store filled up the tire with air and I managed to get the car to the dealer. 

I triumphly shoved the package in the service guy’s face pointing to the empty key space. “We can’t get to it until tomorrow,” he tells me. It is now 5:45. I’m not surprised at all. I tell him to change the oil while he has the car, it is due in about 1000 miles anyway. 

“And while you are rotating the tires, put the regular lug nuts back on,” I tell him. I never wanted the fancy locking SOBs anyway. The dealer added those as a way to jack up the cost to the leasing company. I don’t want to deal with it going forward. 

May 28, 2024

A Great Dane makes a lousy lap dog

Happy Tuesday. This will be a short work week and I’m good with that. 

I went get some more mulch yesterday while it is still on sale and I swing by Chik-fil-A on the way home to grab us some lunch.  Why is it there is always that one tool who cannot get with the program? 

This location has dual drive-thru lanes. The nice workers take your order and then you pull forward to where the lanes merge into one. Any right thinking civilized person can see you merge right, left, right, left. Even if you cannot grasp the concept you should get it through the example of the cars in front of you, yet there is always that one jerk who absolutely NEEDS his food one car sooner and shoves his way forward out of turn - right, left, right, right. What is with these people?

Anyway, I finished filling in the area by the patio with mulch. It looks much better. I will have to go back down to Lowe’s today to get a refund on two bags of mulch that had some mildewed/molded mulch in the bag. 

It’s work time. Have a great day. 

May 27, 2024

Decoration Day

Today is the day to remember those who gave their lives in service to their country. It is a day of sober reflection. 

Take a moment to remember those fallen heroes. 

May 25, 2024

Cloudy with a chance of napping

I stayed up late last night. I’m up early this morning. That’s not a combination I recommend. It means a nap this afternoon, I suspect. 

Some thunderstorms rolled through late yesterday evening. It wasn’t supposed to rain at all yesterday. I swear if I was as bad at forecasting as the folks at the weather bureau, I would be out of a job. 

There’s a couple of paragraphs of pure complaining. Sorry about that. 

I have classic country music playing on my spy device. Johnny Cash was just followed by Dolly singing I Will Always Love You. I always forget the original version is beautiful in a different way than Whitney Houston did it, proving a great song is a great song. 

I’ve rambled enough this morning. Enjoy your Saturday.

May 24, 2024

I lost you to the summer wind

It is finally Friday. Better yet, it is the Friday of a long weekend! The summer season is upon us, I don’t care what the calendar says.Woot! I may knock off early , the piles of paper on my desk notwithstanding. Okay, there are no piles of paper. It is all electronic these days. The only paper on my desk is a stenographer’s tablet I use as a scratch pad. I keep notes, numbers, and all manner of stuff scribbled in the pages. The handwriting is front and back of pages in a never ending mishmash of gibberish to anyone but me. 

Usually the notes are simple stuff. I might write down a part number, the cost, and the markup to get the price so I can type up a quote. I might write down topics to cover in my weekly meeting with the boss. Nothing of interest to an outsider, but a steady reminder of things going back to day one on this job. I’m on my second or third notebook.

How did we get off on that tangent anyway? If the weather stays nice this afternoon and no more time-sucking emergencies arise at work, I may try to get a little yard work done this afternoon. 

The rest of the weekend? As far as I know we have no plans. But I won’t be sitting at my desk, that’s for sure. 

What? Of course I can play someFriday music. That is why you are here isn’t it? 

May 23, 2024

We are having a little party

Yeah, yeah I haven't forgotten about you. The paying work sometimes gets in the way of my hobbies. This is just such a day.

You will get over it.

May 22, 2024

Hiding behind the shrubs

Can someone, anyone, tell me where I can find all of the White Supremacists the president and his cronies keep telling me are everywhere? Where are the losers in their pee-stained bedsheets marching around and burning crosses? Are there secret Nazis in great numbers planning to resurrect Krystalnacht? I want to know, because I too hate Illinois Naxis.. 

I live in the whitest of white suburbs and I cannot find any separate but equal bathrooms. The schools are not segregated. People of color are in pretty much every store and restaurant I visit— shopping and eating, not working. 

I don’t understand how a country as racist as the democrats believe and claim is true about the US allows scholarships exclusively for black people. How did we allow a museum of African American history as part of the Smithsonian if the President is telling the truth?

I am unaware of any place where only white people can vote. Any citizen, regardless of melanin levels can run for office, providing they meet residence and age requirements. 

Given the attention from the a president in his recent speeches, I was sure I would see rallies, meetings, protests, and recruitment from these huge white supremacy groups reported on the local news. 

I guess these low lifes are in your neighborhood, city, town, and state, because they aren’t in mine. 

Look, I know there are racists out there. There is no shortage of bigots. But I do not believe there is cabal of white supremacy fighting to hold down people of color. It is a bogeyman to buy votes and it helps no one.

May 21, 2024

What do you mean it is only Tuesday?

I could type out a  scorching rant about the obvious cognitive dysfunction of the President. He thinks he was VP under Obama during the pandemic. We won’t even get into the slurring of words, falling, and stumbling around lost on stage. If you are so blinded by partisan leanings you refuse to see things as they are, well rest assured our political enemies around the globe sure do. 

Unfortunately, the Veep is possibly worse in so many ways. 

Look, it is a beautiful day and I’m in a good mood. I propose we listen to music instead. I have several songs swirling in my head, but we are going with some outlaw country because I want to.

May 20, 2024

Pork choppin’

What a Sunday. The grandgirls spent the night Saturday, so I made a coffee cake for breakfast. After they ate they went outside to play until their mom came to pick them up. My drive now sports some beautiful chalk art. 

After the girls left we climbed into the Grand Cherokee and headed off to the big box to pick up some dirt, mulch, and a few flowers. While the wife planted flowers I power washed the front porch and the back patio. Then I spread mulch and cleaned and hooked up my fountain water feature. 

After a quick shower, I threw in some cheesy potatoes from the freezer. The wife had purchased a couple of thick pork chops and I covered them with a nice rub before I tossed them  on the grill next to some corn on the cob. When the chops were almost done I coated them with some BBQ sauce.  I sliced up a big old beefsteak tomatoes we picked up at farmers market yesterday. In all it was a feast. But we weren’t done: I cut up some fresh-pick strawberries we also got at the market. The wife had whipped cream on hers. I had a splash of milk. 

The Cubs lost to the lowly Pirates. Most likely because I was busy doing lawn work and did not watch. Otherwise it was a good day. 

May 19, 2024

Do the Hokey Pokey

It’s looks to be a gorgeous Sunday here in zgod’s favorite State. It will be sunny and warm. We shall see what projects the wife decides are essential. 

The granddaughters spent the night last night . We went bowling and ate pizza and had a grand old time. The pizza was bowling alley pizza. The girls liked it. I thought it was meh at best. 

I’ve been having issues with my feet. Spending a week standing on barely carpeted concretes and beaucoup walking a couple of weeks ago has contributed mightily to my pain levels. Pushing off on no-support bowling shoes did not help. Last night  I am limping around the house this morning. 

Since my surgically repaired right foot never completely healed, I have put more stress on my left foot and now it is bothering me. Both feet have the same problem- excessively high arches, so it is quite possible I have bone spurs and stress fractures in the left foot too. I just know it hurts this morning. 

I hobble around like an old man these days. Oh wait, I am an old man. 

May 18, 2024

On this date

 I’m lucky in that I have travelled all over for work. From about 1993 through 2006 I travelled 3-4 times a year to Portland, Oregon for visits to my biggest customer. Given flight schedules and meeting times I usually had a free day to explore. I’ve been up the Columbia River Gorge, to the Pacific Ocean shore, atop Mt Hood, and three times to view the wreckage of Mt St. Helens. 

The St Helens eruption of May 18, 1980 left a lasting scar on the landscape. In my earliest visits, the downed trees were everywhere. In my last visit, a decade later, the forest was already reinventing itself. 

The volcano is something you should see if you are ever in the Pacific Northwest. 

I have often said if I could ever only go on one more trip, this area would probably be my choice. Not the other places I’ve been: Hawaii, Europe, China, Caribbean islands. I love the area around Portland, despite what the leftists have done to the area.

May 17, 2024

Simple man

I’m not a complicated man. I grew up decidedly lower middle class and my parents made the best out of what we had. I did not know we were poor until I recognized the signs when I became an adult. Mom didn’t want to send me with a handful of change to buy milk. It was what she had that day. 

It was the same with food. Somehow, I learned to actually like casseroles. One of my favorite meals was hamburger, macaroni, and tomatoes cooked together in a kind of Hamburger Helper before the stuff was invented.

I still like it. My wife? Not so much. Nonetheless, I made up a batch the other day and ate way too much. I think it has been a year since we had before this time.

It sounds pretty good right now.  I don't think the wife will agree to eat it again already. 

Yeah, I snuck in some Friday Music.

May 16, 2024

We have to stop meeting like this

It is a day of on-line meetings. The first kicks off at 8:00-9:30, followed by the next from 10:00-11:00. Then the big monthly sales meeting from 1:00 to probably 3:00. By the end I will be bored to tears. It is likely to be a four coffee day. 

It could be worse, I’m not standing around at a trade show booth. 

May 15, 2024

Hypocrite much?

If the climate is the number one crisis facing the globe and the Biden Administration has determined that reducing vehicle emission's is paramount to that battle, why did Sleepy Joe just slap a 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles? Shouldn’t saving the planet—the whole planet— from catastrophic environmental consequences be more important than any capitalist manufacturing concerns in the United States? 

Apparently, Biden does not want Americans to have cheap electric cars if it means pissing off the unions. 

The climate is only an existential crisis until it gets in the way of re-election. 

May 14, 2024

Feeding your blogging desires

It was a beautiful evening Monday, so I threw some burgers on the grill. I made a batch of potatoes salad and heated a can of Bush’s baked beans. I made up some deviled eggs since I was boiling eggs for the potato salad anyway. It was a feast any king would enjoy. 

Today? I have no idea what I’m eating for lunch, forget supper. Okay, that is only half true. I probably will have some potato salad for lunch. Definitely maybe. 

I’m glad I’m not my hunter gatherer ancestor. By the time I decided to eat some berries or barbecue up a tasty saber tooth tiger, it would be too late to hunter and gather. I suppose the Neolithic A&P had a limited offering. Wait, did someone say pizza?

May 13, 2024

Helping the Terrorists

Yes, yes, I am here, albeit late. Monday struck with a vengeance. I knew it would since I was up until nearly 1AM working Sunday night/Monday morning. I was back at it before seven this morning. 

I had more than one hundred emails to sort through on top of major price files to update, repair, fix, and get emailed early. Blah, blah, you don’t care. 

If I understand the news over the weekend, it appears the US has intelligence on where the Hamas terrorists are hiding in Gaza and Biden did not feel the need to share this info with Israel.

This is akin to one of our allies knowing bin Ladin’s address and not bothering to share it with the United States for reasons. How many lost lives are on Brandon’s head for this? 

This isn’t the Enigma machine and Coventry from WWII, this is refusing to get Hitler if you had a chance. Despicable.

It appears anti-Semitic college kids showed their ass all over the country. I can only hope their future employers are watching.

May 12, 2024


Happy Mothers Day to all you Mommas out there. 

May 11, 2024

Tapping into the live feed

 Good morning bloggers. I am back live blogging my life. Not that anything interesting is about to suddenly appear in these electronic pages, but it is not another video, so there is that. 

The automation/robot trade show was boring and a week standing on my surgically repaired foot in dress shoes is painful, but it was great hanging out with my colleagues. We all work remotely, so we only get together a couple of times a year. We ate some terrific food, watched the Cubs win with a walk-off home run, and had a generally good time. 

I was glad to get home yesterday evening. Even though I travel far less than I did in the past, it is amazing how fast I can adapt to living out of a suitcase. And the wife easily goes back into her routine while I’m gone. Thirty years on the road does that. 

I usually throw up some music on a Saturday morning. I think I will spare you that today.

Have a great Saturday.

May 10, 2024

Heading home

 A little Chicago for my last day in Chicago.

And another time song.

Are you tired of the “time songs yet? It has been eight straight days. 

May 7, 2024

May 6, 2024

I lied

 I lied this is a canned post. 

If you want to call it that. 

It is theme week here at the old blog.

May 4, 2024

May The Fourth Be With You

 I thought I might watch the dawn start from my patio this morning. Alas, at only sixty degrees that isn’t going to happen. Instead I’m blogging from the breakfast table this morning. I can watch the morning bloom through the sliding patio doors instead. 

We have a busy day in store. We are off early to see the oldest granddaughter in a dance competition. Right after we must rush over to the soccer fields to watch the youngest play. This evening we are going out for her birthday dinner(today is her birthday). I told you last week that topic would come up again. Yes she is our “Star Wars” baby.

Have a great Saturday.

May 3, 2024

Lost in extra innings

It seems Friday has rolled around yet again. It is almost as if it comes every seven days or something. I want to warn you right up front, posting may be light to non-existent next week. I’m off to the robotics show for the week. As always, I am less than thrilled. Trade shows operate in a strange time warp where every minute you are there only counts as 20 seconds of real time. An hour passes, yet the clock only counts twenty minutes. It is awful. Oh, and you get to do it standing up the whole time. 

I will get to spend time with my work colleagues and that really is the only bonus. I like the people I work with. This year the show is in Chicago instead of Detroit. I don’t know if that is good or bad. We shall see. 

You never know, I may post my usual drivel. I do know this, I have no posts canned and ready, so if you do get something it will be fresh garbage. 

Enjoy your Friday. 

May 1, 2024

Just Desserts

Columbia University finally did something about the criminals taking over the campus and called in the cops. The ones who occupied the building should be additionally charged with taking hostages since they would not let the workers in the building go for thirty or forty minutes. 

We are about to find out if the prosecutor in Manhattan believes in the rule of law or only if it applies to Republicans. 

I think we know the answer to that. 

April 30, 2024


It is time to crack some hate-filled heads on college campuses across the nation. 

History says this kind of hate leads to terrible things. 

Hey Jews, how’s that voting “D” working out for you?

Oh, maybe the alphabet LGBQRSTUV folks also supporting these riots should take a long and hard look at Islam’s position on homosexuality. 

Do I need to point out it was Hamas that started this war?

I really hope this years Democrat convention becomes a rerun of 1968. I don’t think any of the current leaders have the true-believer makeup if the Chicago Seven. A trial would hurt their feelings. 

April 29, 2024

My brother was the milkman’s kid*

Better than nothing:

*My dad was a milkman 

April 28, 2024

Party Time

We are off to the Golden Ghetto* this afternoon for our youngest granddaughter’s fifth birthday party. It will be a Taylor Swift themed affair. She and her sister are into all things Taylor these days, like a lot of people. She also digs Bluey. I said she was five. 

After the party she has a soccer game. It is going to be a busy day. 

Her actual Birthday is next week. The party with her friends is today, so don’t get confused if I inadvertently mention another birthday later. 

The good news it is supposed to be a warm day with temps pushing into the eighties. I can live with that. 

Have a great Sunday. 

*The Golden Ghetto is how a good friend of mine, who grew up there, refers to one of the more affluent northern suburbs, the one with countless roundabouts, if you want to figure it out. Me? No, I don’t live there. I live over in one of the modest communities in the suburb of Mudsock , to the east. 

April 27, 2024

Banned from Walgreens

The other day I went over to a nearby Pharmacy.

When I got there, I went straight to the back of the Store to where the Pharmacists Counter is located.

I took out my little brown bottle along with a teaspoon and laid them both onto the counter.

The Pharmacist came over smiled and asked if he could help me.

I said:

Yes! Could you please taste this for me?”

Being I’m a Senior Citizen, I guess the Pharmacist just went along with me.

He picked up the spoon and put a tiny bit of the liquid on his tongue and swilled it around.

Then with a stomach-churning look on his face he spit it out on the floor and began coughing.

When he finally was finished, I looked him right in the eye asked:

Now, does that taste sweet to you?”

The Pharmacist, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes yelled:


So I said:

Oh thank God! That’s such a relief!

My Doctor told me to get a Pharmacist to test my Urine for sugar!”

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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