March 19, 2010

And you liberal-types call me a fat stupid redneck?

Let me get this straight: Obama Care will provide coverage for forty million, twenty million, thirty million, 15 million, back to 30 million again people without current insurance. It will save medicare from insolvency, it will make sure people with existing conditions are covered, it will pay subsidies to those who cannot afford insurance, it will lower premiums for all Americans, it will reduce the premiums some employers pay for group health insurance by 3,000%, it will not increase taxes or increase the defect by one penny.

Liberals, progressives, Democrats, the education class, the journalist class, the country club elites all want us to believe this is true? Yet these same elites spend an inordinate amount of time telling us not to believe in the tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and God. We are told they are all myths and fantasy.

Anyone who buys into the Obama Care fantasy makes those guys look sane who castrated themselves, strapped on their Nikes, and drank the poison Kool Aid so they could beam aboard that passing comet.


Dick said...

Civil war looks better every damn day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I wonder: Do suppose millions of Americans could sue the government for acting against the Constitution?

Think about it: Biggest class action suit ever. Maybe the citizens could keep them so busy defending THEMSELVES with that, that they would no longer have time to continue their apparent mission of destroying the America so many have worked SO hard to build and protect?

Just a thought.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Anon: "sue the government for acting against the Constitution?"
From what I heard yesterday, I understand it's in the works.

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