October 19, 2011

This post represents 49 seconds of your life you will never get back, unless you read real slow or real fast. In that case your suckage may vary.

It is hump day. I have plenty to do, not much I want to do. It is just like my dad always said, "You do not have to like it, you just have to do it". OK, I do not remember him ever saying that, but I know he would agree with that sentiment. insert long pause here while I stare at the blinking cursor  I have lost my train of thought, if there ever was one on this post.

The wife and boy are home starting tomorrow for fall break. We thought about taking some hotel points and going somewhere, but the boy has to work. We don't have a lot of extra cash hidden in the mattress anyway.

The weather is in full sucks mode.  Fall has arrived, and I do not mean that crisp air and turning leaves like on your desktop background either.  Not the imaginary football weather from your old college days. I am talking steady drizzle, wind, and chilly air. Yep, THAT fall weather.

I have stalled enough.  I have a conference call this morning and a customer visit this afternoon to prepare for. Have a great day.

1 comment:

CnC said...

Okay Joe you had me at suckage.
yeah I agree about the rain that we all wanted soo bad just a couple of months ago and now it just makes our bones ache. I live only about 15 minutes from your weather so I feel your pain brother!
As Dan Rather once said "Courage"

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